Pre christmas moan...

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Jyssica, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. Jyssica

    Jyssica Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2016
    Liverpool, UK
    So i have to get this out of my system before i enter the festive period being angry at rolo, my OH, everyone in sight haha....

    Rolo has become a bit of a pain when in work with me..... He doesn't settle like when he was small. there is too much going on.

    I cant use all my time trying to train him in work. He barks.. a LOT ive tried click for quiet in work.. doesnt work as well.

    So said he isnt coming in any more, arranged for dog walkers, doggy day care etc, going home myself to walk him, play and feed him on my dinner. My boss says today, bring him in we miss him.

    So i do.... he runs riot. eating food off peoples desks... barking, wouldnt accept the tasty kong i made for him... I ran out of the office nearly crying, as Im trying to get work finished for christmas.

    in the New year I am going to come in on a weekend and try and train him to settle on a mat, bed area whilst no one is around and see if I can maybe proof it when others are in. If it doesnt work tho its forking out money for doggy daycare and dog walking :(

    Rolo please just settle and you can become part of my work gang.... :) x
  2. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Oh dear.....can you try a crate at work? Then gradually replace with a bed? :)
  3. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Why not keep him on a lead by your feet?

  4. Jyssica

    Jyssica Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2016
    Liverpool, UK
    He had a crate, and settled really well when he was small.. But now he just barks when hes in it.. And I dont want him to make too much of a negative associaton with that crate and his one at home as hes quite good at home..

    I could maybe try the crate training again in the office setup when no one is around and see how we go... Also has anyone got any tips on replacing crates with beds?
  5. Jyssica

    Jyssica Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2016
    Liverpool, UK
    Hi Mags

    Ive tried this, he pulls to the end of the lead the barks as he cant get where he wants to go.. or just nose around. xxx
  6. JenBainbridge

    JenBainbridge Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2016
    Darlington, UK
    I feel for you. Stanleys at nightmare for not settling at home, let a lone anywhere else. If I took him to work he would just run riot.. I shudder at the thought.

    What I've found works though is settling him down and stroking him nicely and dropping little treats in front of his nose while you're doing it. He goes to sleep after a few minutes.

    I'm not sure how much that would help at work but it allows me to watch some tv in peace.

    If it's any consolation, we have to pay daycare for Stanley. So I feel you on the cost, it's not very nice :(
    Jyssica likes this.
  7. Jyssica

    Jyssica Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2016
    Liverpool, UK

    Thanks Jen, Will try that tip actually for house and work. I am just at my witts end today, You know? The only reason I brought him in as he got some dirt in his eye in daycare and Vets prescribed eyedrops and said keep an eye on him for 48 hours and my Boss said they miss him. And my head is now banging beyond belief.

    Roll on wine oclock...
  8. QuinnM15

    QuinnM15 Registered Users

    Apr 13, 2016
    We taught Quinn settle on your bed with clicker training (this was in a class)...and then worked on increasing the amount of time she was to stay there. Like @JenBainbridge said, you basically stream treats for laying nicely on the bed/mat and gradually increase the time between treats. When we started, I clicked and treat every single time she focused on me, not a distraction while laying on the bed. Some people use "look at me" and treat to get focus, we use her name - so if she is looking at something, if i say her name and she looks at me, click and treat. Every time she sat up from a down on the bed, I would cue a "down" and she would get click/treat - if she got off the bed, cue "on your bed", click/treat and then a "down", another click treat. Then continue clicking/treat if he stays down and especially when he focuses on will take awhile in a highly distracting area - we practiced a ton at home. It's all focus work, he has to pay attention to you to get a treat. Use something super yummy too. I hope that makes sense.
    Jyssica likes this.
  9. JenBainbridge

    JenBainbridge Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2016
    Darlington, UK
    Other people are the worst. Everyone riles Stanley up then moans cos he's radged. I'm like you chased him round the kitchen for 20 minutes :rolleyes:

    It'll all work out :)

    Definitely roll on wine o clock

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