Hi I have been training my three month old puppy not to jump once he gets the food in his dish. I have also trained him to eat treats dropped in front of him only once I tell him to eat it. However in case there is some food lying on the floor he invariably ends up licking it. Please suggest how to train him not to lick any food which is lying on the floor and also not to jump up and lick at any food lying on a side table etc.
How have you trained your pup to eat treats dropped only when you tell him? I think you need to just extend this to food he "discovers". Try placing some on the floor, unseen by pup. Then let him discover it and use the same methods you have already used, be ready to cover the food to prevent access. As for jumping up to the side table - simple, don't leave food on the side table.
Train a "leave it" cue. We did that with Bailey from the beginning and now he has a good response to leave it - to food, toys and pretty much anything else.
There are some good "Leave it" videos on You tube to help teach you this. Kikopup is pretty good for starters. This is the first video..... Hope this helps.