pulling on lead...help!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Deano82, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. Deano82

    Deano82 Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2013
    Nero is getting stronger and his pulling when out for walks is becoming more noticeable! When he starts to pull I stop, then he sits and turns to look at me but as soon as I start walking again he races ahead and starts pulling. I have tried this technique but it doesnt seem to be working. He will walk next to me if I hold a treat in my hand but after I give him the treat he is back out in front again.

    Any tips?
  2. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    We did a lot of heel work off lead in the early days with lots of changes of direction which would keep Riley on his toes if he didn't want to be left behind. We started in the house and garden too, you don't need loads of space to start with. If you get a chance to work on this off lead that would be great but I totally understand that you may need to walk to your walks....the only answer is perseverance and consistency. It does work though :D
  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    Try taking this a step further . My Sam was a shocker at pulling on his way to an offlead walk, but walked like an angel on the way home , so I realised that it was excitement and anticipation .
    Following advice , I would stop when he pulled , then change direction completely , sometimes even walking backwards so that he would have to follow me whilst facing me, if that makes sense .
    It took ages , and I mean ages , and you have to stick to it on every walk but eventually, that lovely day came when he pulled far less and then not at all , its just repetition, good luck :)
  4. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    I have been having this problem recently and have gone back to basics with Harley. If she pulls I make her sit then carry on, if she pulls again I change direction. This seems to be working well at the minute. I have also been carrying lots of treats in my hand and continuously say 'good girl, walk nicely' then treat her...this has helped improve a bit. The other thing I have done is take her for short walks which is not to the park or an off lead area. This helping as she isn't always sure where we are going ;) hope this helps :)
  5. Deano82

    Deano82 Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    Thanks. He was a little better on his walk this afternoon. As soon as he realized I had stopped he sat down and waited for me to carry on. He still pulled a bit but not as much as he was yesterday. I guess persistence is the key
  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    [quote author=Deano82 link=topic=4747.msg58771#msg58771 date=1394024395]
    When he starts to pull I stop, then he sits and turns to look at me but as soon as I start walking again he races ahead and starts pulling.

    Changing direction may be better than getting him to sit. If you train a cue to turn towards you, then when he starts to pull, give your cue and as soon as he responds, change direction and reward when he is in the right position (even if briefly as he passes you).

    The other tip is if he is rewarded for walking nicely, don't reward just once, but two, three, four time - in a random way, then he might be less likely to grab the treat and pull again.

    Good luck. It's a difficult one, for sure!
  7. Indy

    Indy Registered Users

    Jan 2, 2014
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    Changing direction helps, but you never seem to get anywhere.
    If you have a field or open space, try walking in a large circle turning to your left (if the dog is on your left) or vice versa.
    The idea is to put your left leg across the front of the dog, so it can't go in front. Just guide (not pull) into position with the lead.
    Try that for a few minutes and then change direction with you turning to right the dog should start to follow you around.
    They soon get the message, it is something that you should do everyday.
    I use this method when starting them to walk off lead, but it must taught on lead first.
  8. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    I found teaching to walk nicely on the lead difficult, for us humans. Co-ordinating the lead, the treats, etc is difficult. And we are used to walking when we want to go somewhere, not stopping all the time.

    The Good News is that it is simple and boring. You just don't let them get away with pulling. Consistency is the the answer.

    A Gencon collar was recommended to me as I am a little old lady (to save you asking why I got a Lab, didn't realise what frenetic puppies they were, and thought it would be good for Grandkids) it has helped.

    Molly is 5 months now and mostly walks quite well. From time to time something will attract her and she will have a little lunge, but if I see something that takes my interest (a friend or something good in a shop window) I pretty much do the same thing.
  9. Deano82

    Deano82 Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    Thanks for the replies I will persist with the training.

    Tomorrow will be the first time we will leave him off the lead at our local park. I am very nervous about this as I know that as soon as he sees another person/dog he is going to go running after them.
  10. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    [quote author=Deano82 link=topic=4747.msg59155#msg59155 date=1394192842]
    Tomorrow will be the first time we will leave him off the lead at our local park. I am very nervous about this as I know that as soon as he sees another person/dog he is going to go running after them.

    I forget, how old is Nero?
  11. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    I remember now, Nero is 5 months.

    Well, you might be right. At 5 months Charlie was certainly confident enough to leg it - and still very much is. Unless he is "under orders" and doing something else, he is very likely to be at the other side of the beach/park before I know it.

    Perhaps go ready to instill some good behaviours about not dashing off (as above, I'm a fine one to talk - although if I tell him to do something, sit etc., he doesn't dash off).
  12. Deano82

    Deano82 Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    Yes he is 5 months. I will go armed with plenty of treats and I am going to get him a frizbee to play fetch with
  13. Deano82

    Deano82 Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    Do you think it would be a good idea to take him to a quieter area first where there will be less people and other dogs? We have a quiet beach nearby where we can take him
  14. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    Yes I do, he will be far more focused on you with fewer distractions , good plan :)
  15. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    I guess you haven't had the chance to work on his recall outside the garden yet, if this is his first time off lead?

    A quiet area sounds good, yes.
  16. Deano82

    Deano82 Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    Yes it will be his first time off lead outside the garden. Im rather nervous about it but I guess it has to be done
  17. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    I'm not quite sure what the best advice is. I know that it's a good thing to let a very young puppy off the lead, because that puppy will follow you around and you can use its attachment to you in this way to start teaching a puppy recall.

    I did this, in the middle of a football field in Wimbledon Park (it was busy, but that didn't matter, the pup still stayed very close) and by 5 months had a great puppy recall, which didn't quite translate into a great teenage recall without a lot more effort ::), but still.

    At 5 months, letting your pup off the lead for the first time - I'd do that in a very quiet place and work on your recall, and sit and so on, without worrying about the pup legging it to say hello to other dogs. He won't know what you've taught him in the garden off lead, also applies on the beach off lead.

    Has you puppy ever been allowed to play with other dogs off lead? At puppy school etc maybe?
  18. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    I agree with Julie, we had pup at 10 weeks, and more or less off lead from day one, within reason of course! He was obviously very dependant on us and would never stray more than a few feet away, I am sure that has helped now. I have noticed as Benson..now the same age as your pup at almost 5 months..is more confident and likely to wander off as an interesting scent lures him, as we have worked on recall and heel we have more control. I would be hesitant at 5 months to let him off unless in a very quiet area without any distractions. Only my observations, and bear in mind this is my first puppy! :)
  19. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    Letting Nero off the lead is an excellent idea though, it's just you might not want to do it around distractions at first. Build up to that. At 5 months, he might have a big hoolie with a load of other dogs, and you would be better off establishing a bit of control first. I also think it's a good idea he gets to play with other dogs too.
  20. Deano82

    Deano82 Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2013
    Re: pulling on lead...help!

    My mother has a king charles spaniel and my wifes parents have a lab and a spaniel, Nero quite often goes to see them and plays with them so he has had experience around other dogs. He wants to play with every dog we see on our on-lead walks....even if the other dog doesnt!

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