Hi all, We've recently had a new addition, Rosie, a 11 week old girl. We have only had for 2 weeks and is doing great so far. Only thing is when we have to pop out and leave her at home, whether it be 1 minute or 1 hour, she won't stop barking the entire time. She gets herself in a complete state and can't settle, I have a camera in the room to watch her when we're not home and she is barking the entire time non stop. I have just started clicker training. When she is quiet in another room from me I click, treat and repeat, she is doing better but still only lasting about 20 seconds of being quiet so far - Still a work in progress. She is in the laundry when we have to leave. She has her bed, multiple toys, puppy pad and water. She isn't scared of the room, I feed her in there and she walks in and out when she pleases when we're home. I also do the clicker training mainly the laundry. I'm just wondering if anyone has some tips for me to try along with this training? Could she still just settling in seeming as we have only had her 2 weeks? Thank you!
Hi Renee, and welcome to the forum. Lots of puppies dislike being left alone to begin with and you have made a great start with teaching your pup to accept this. The key is to increase duration gradually - have a look at this thread: Teaching your dog to be alone