Hi everyone. We have a 9 week old puppy. She is so adorable and so clever. She goes to do door whenever needs to go out and has only had a couple of accidents in house. She sleeps all night except for having to take her out once around 3am and she's eating really well too. Shes also so cuddly and playful. The only problem is her biting. She is very bitey when she's excited, playing or someone comes home from work or school. But she will also try and bite me whilst she's having a cuddle and stroke. She listens to my partner when he tells no and she does listen to me whenever tell her to stop doing anything except for the biting. When I tell her it just seems to make her want to keep trying to get to me. She's also the same with my teenagers. I know everyone says they will grow out of it but how long does this take and what can I do in the meantime to get her to listen to me more? Me and my partner are pretty equal with her care wise. Thanks in advance
I'm no expert at all, so i'm sure others can give more advanced advice. But I have a pup whose 19wks now, absolute cuddley cutey. We got him at 9.5wks and once he got confident after a few days he definitely got a bit more bitey. Now at 19wks, it's only when he is overtired or teething hard (lost all his baby insisors now). Things that have worked for us: - Make sure she is getting enough sleep, they turn into demons when they haven't slept enough. 18-20hrs at her age. - Work on training with her food allowance when she is awake and hand feed, this is will help her listen to you more and also realise good things come from you when she listens and also from your hands. We worked on the 'leave', 'no' and 'drop it' commands a fair bit and still do, to help when he's got something he shouldn't have in his toothy grasp. He listens maybe 90%, the 10% he doesn't is when it's something he really wants - Redirection. Whenever my Freddie was really bitey I would always redirect with a chew toy. A bit of antler usually did the trick. Now, it's like you see the cogs turning lol, and he looks like he wants to get nippy, stops and licks instead. - Using baby gates to give a timeout if necessary if the biting gets too much, just to put a bit of distance between you and the pup Finally, some days Freddie is a daddy's boy, other days a mummy's boy. My hubby has been away the last 2 days, and Freddie has been ignoring all my 'no' and 'leave' commands today. Guarantee when the hubby gets home he will be an angel for him Hope that helps in some way. It does get better, I promise.
Thankyou very much for your reply. Yes we have been doing the redirecting her with a toy and are currently working on teaching her to leave it. She has just mastered sit so she's getting there. Its just really frustrating because somedays she listens every time and does so well. And then it's like she wakes up in the morning and has totally forgot everything