Puppy Blues

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Atemas, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    Brill walk with Red today - the Halti lead is so good - she still has a bit of a pull and gets distracted by blossom blowing around but she is mostly walking on a loose lead. We stop and she sits whilst we 'look at that' - people, cars, cyclists. I am treating her quite heavily but that's ok for now. We met some girls on our walk who I know have got dogs. They called over 'can we come and say hello?' I asked them to wait whilst she sat, explaining I didn't want her jumping up on them. They were so understanding - wish everyone could be like that.

    Red hates having her harness on and runs and hides :p. She will come eventually with a bit of enticing. I am gently encouraging her by treating her when we have got it on and then she's fine.

    Today, Red has spent more time with Sky. Sky seems to have finally accepted Red is here to stay and that we will intervene if Red gets too much - she likes to bite Sky's collar :mad:. They are both on their beds with their kongs as I type. It is so lovely seeing them together and feel we are 'family' now as my DH always said would happen. Still a long way to go but all good for now. Will be good when we can take both dogs out together. Feel we are nearly ready for going out for a drink to our village local which has benches outside on the grass - just need a good warm afternoon :). Probably go equipped with kongs as I know Red would settle for a while.
  2. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Red sounds like she's doing well and how lovely the girls helped with your training :) You could try giving Red her meals whilst she is wearing the harness, maybe that might help a little. I am sure, in time Red and Sky will be best buddies and you will be able to get to the pub for that much needed drink! :) xx
    Atemas likes this.
  3. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    Yes that's a good idea about the harness Charlie - I will try that :). I think we have a long way to go with Red and Sky but I am thankful for the progress we are making :).
    charlie likes this.
  4. selina27

    selina27 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2016
    Herefordshire UK
    That's all so good to hear @Atemas
    Atemas likes this.
  5. Plum's mum

    Plum's mum Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2017
    East Sussex
    It wasn't long ago @Atemas, that you were exasperated and despondent but now look! Really good news all round :)
    Karen and Atemas like this.
  6. b&blabs

    b&blabs Registered Users

    Sep 8, 2016
    Great update!
    Atemas likes this.
  7. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Really great progress and I like the next goal in the project.....'going to the pub' ! X
    Atemas and selina27 like this.
  8. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    Thank you for your kind responses to my post yesterday - it really helps a lot. By doing updates, I can look back and also see progress but I really hope this will help anyone else in the future who is in a situation similar to mine.

    Today, the two dogs have been together more this morning and this afternoon. Red started to bite Sky's collar and I gently pulled her away. She got the zombies and charged up and down the sitting room. It was so funny watching her ;). I am still popping her in the crate but for less and less time and she does chill quickly in there and gets to come out quickly so she is learning.

    I did think about taking Sky's collar off but she doesn't like being 'nude' when we have had to remove it for washing when she's had a wet/muddy walk so think I'll keep it on and just keep working on Red leaving it alone. Red was licking Sky a lot this afternoon which Sky just lay there and let her do. Looking forward to her reciprocating. Sky couldn't bear to be near her not so long ago so this makes me happy.

    I am so enjoying being back in the sitting room after three months of being mostly in the kitchen. Much as I like my kitchen and fortunately it is big, it was beginning to feel like a prison! :confused: Most importantly though is seeing the two dogs trotting around together :)
  9. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Red is becoming less of an annoying puppy and more of a pal for Sky - it's really lovely to read your updates.
  10. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Good news of excellent progress.

    We live in the kitchen for three months every year lol

    Yes - if it's not the collar it'll be sky's fur :)


  11. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    I'm not sure about that edzbird - after I posted they went on to have a full on play fight - well my DH assures me that's what it was! It looked very full on to me but never witnessed anything like this before. They are both now asleep! Sky was certainly standing up for herself. I felt sorry for her as she has never had to do that before (she has always been an only dog and when my daughter's greyhound comes to stay, they just pootle about not really bothered about each other) but I suppose they have to do this as they are going to be together more and more. I need to learn a lot more about dog behaviour.
  12. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    We had a few difficulties when Coco came to joins us. We had 11 year old Belle, we'd just lost 10-12 year old Scooby who didn't bother her & in storms 16 month old, bouncy, playful Coco. Belle was forever telling him off. She was never a playful dog, and that's all Coco wanted. It was upsetting. He did calm down and learn to leave her alone. They would lie down together, but that was it really.
  13. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    How lovely that they are interacting more and it will increase I am sure.

    Just one little thing, please be careful of Sky and Red wearing their collars inside and playing. A few years ago my two dogs had a near fatal accident when Charlie got is teeth caught under Hattie's collar whilst playing, he rolled over as he was frightened so tightening Hattie's collar, she was nearly choked to death and it took me to hold Charlie up whilst David frantically tried to undo his collar to release them both. They NEVER, EVER wear collars inside now. A lot of dogs are strangled every year due to playing and also they can get caught whilst in a crate. I would hate this to happen to anyone :( x
  14. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    My dogs love to play fight and they one that usually starts it is the little old dear Moo. When all 3 start its so noisy the neighbours can hear they. It's like a Godzilla vs king Kong film. I stop it if it gets too rough but I have seen moo leap off the back the sofa and grabbed Doug by the ear. She has also dragged Rory who weighs 10kg more than her by his neck across the floor while he wriggle with pleasure. It's good when the play its all part of bonding. We don't have Doug anymore but the other 2 play daily. They have a close relation ship moo is 14 and Rory is 3. Moo taught him bitey face and adores him but when he first arrived she would not eat or get off the sofa
    Karen likes this.
  15. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Oh yes!

    Play fights are very growly, shouty, bitey and noisy!

  16. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    It's like having house fully of really over the top dinosaurs. Moo is terrible she just has to look at Rory in a certain way and he just goes all giddy
  17. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    Later on, both dogs came and lay together on Sky's bed near me - they were looking to me for food!! They stayed like that until bedtime. They were quite close and Red had her paws over Sky (DH took photos - I will try to learn how to put photos on here). This morning, Sky wanted to stay in the kitchen for a bit - she usually can't wait to get the other side of the gate! She stayed a few minutes but Red just wanted to bite her collar. I reckon this is more progress.

    Charlie, sorry you had that horrible experience. I have seen a few posts about the dangers of collars so I am very mindful that they are a risk. Unfortunately much as I'd prefer them not to have on, Red has to go outside on lead for the toilet and until very recently she had to have her lead on whenever near Sky as she was totally OTT with her. I hope eventually we can take them off indoors. Sky has always worn hers and doesn't like it whenever we have to take it off but I guess she would adapt as she has shown she is able to in many ways recently.

    It is interesting watching this growing relationship and I hope when we go camping in a months time, they will be even further on in the bonding process. Here's hoping :).
    drjs@5 likes this.
  18. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Proof that play is a noisy, mouthy affair! Zaba is my friend's Lab who stays with us often.

  19. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    Thank you for this Boogie. My two looked more aggressive. Red looked a bit like a lion - she was jumping on Sky's back but for once Sky retaliated and they were both on their back legs, pawing each other with their front legs. They were snapping at each other and it was very boisterous. At one point they knocked a little coffee table over. Sky did lay on her back and let Red jump on her which I took as play. To me it looked a bit more like fighting. DH told me it was play and told me to leave them. They did this for probably 3/4 minutes. We did intervene though in the end. They both had wet coats where they had been mouthing/biting. I suppose they are sorting themselves out and they did then lie together later on which I guess they wouldn't do unless they both wanted to. We will continue to manage their time together. Even at my age, I have so much to learn about dogs. Sky has always been a contented dog and not really interested in other dogs - so a big readjustment for her. Think she is doing well. Just want to get it right.
  20. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Have you seen @snowbunny 's video of her two "play" fighting? They look like demented dervishes!
    snowbunny likes this.

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