we get our new yellow lab pup when she will be 12 weeks old. I've never had a puppy before and would like to have a few things ready for her arrival. I'd like a harness with both front and back attachment, maybe the freedom harness but am unsure what size to get (I don't mind having to return the wrong size but am looking for some idea of the right size?) same for a collar, I have no idea what to get for a puppy collar. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Hello, and welcome. It really is just better to measure the puppy when s/he arrives - they vary massively in size! What will fit one pup, won't fit another etc. For what it is worth, I used a simple Puppia medium harness on Betsy from about 9 weeks, and she rapidly needed a large which just about still fits her at 7 months. Save buying a more expensive harness like the Perfect Fit until your puppy has grown up. What fits a puppy at 12 weeks might not fit for very long at all! Same with the collar - just buy a cheap one from your nearest pet store when your puppy arrives and swap to something nicer once you might be keeping it for a bit.
Hi Laura and welcome to the forum. For a tiny puppy, you shouldn't be using a front fastening harness. A back fastener is all you need. I used a Puppia harness for my first two, but for this new puppy, I'm going to try this harness: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Blueberry-...coding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=Y0TYAFAXQFRC7E779J37 Apparently, the are getting more stock on 10th December. As for sizes, it's almost impossible to say, as Lab puppies come in so many different shapes and sizes. Since you can generally get delivery within a day or so and you won't be needing her on lead those first couple of days, I'd be waiting until she arrives and you can measure her. Alternatively, ask your breeder to measure her before you pick her up so you can get the items in beforehand.