Puppy Diarrhoea

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Chomp, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. Chomp

    Chomp Registered Users

    Jan 24, 2021
    Hello here,
    I got a new 8 weeks old male lab puppy.
    From day 1 he had diarrhoea, especially a night. We feed him the same food the breeder recommended.
    After 10 days, the breeder took the dog back to sort him out. The dog had a little mucus in his poo so he was given antibiotics. The dog had consistent "normal" poo for 3-4 days.

    He got home the day before yesterday, had a few normal poos. Then last night, had diarrhoea again. The only difference to the what the breeder did, i think is that we take away food from his meals (20 out of 60 g) to use as treats during the day for training purposes.

    Could that be the issue?

    Otherwise, could it be the water?

    I can't think of any other thing done differently to the breeder.

  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi there, congratulations on your new puppy.

    Diarrhoea is very common in new pups and can be intermittent. There are lots of different causes, from parasites to stress or changes in diet. Changes in water is not normally one of them

    As a general rule feeding smaller meals at closer intervals tends to help, so your treat feeding is unlikely to have made things worse. And if your puppy has an infection that responded to antibiotics it's possible that the first course wasn't long enough.

    Check out this article for more info, and have a chat with your vet. They may want you to bring in a stool sample so that they can rule out parasitic infections.
  3. Chomp

    Chomp Registered Users

    Jan 24, 2021
    ok thanks a lot.

    The breeder just told us that my dog's sister had worms so we are going to start a worming course. we will have to check his poo for worms or signes of infection (may have had gardia as it had mucous) so this could be it. If it does not help, we will take a stool sample to the vet.

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