Hi I’m new here and just wondered if anyone has had this. We have had our puppy 3 weeks and she still doesn’t seem to know her name. Most of the time we say her name she doesn’t respond, now and again she does but it’s very rare. I’ve tried practicing with treats but she comes no matter what I call her as she knows I have teats lol
Try 5 minutes of make training a couple times a day. Have her sit in front of you and just repeatedly say her name and instantly feed her a treat. You might want to use a high value special treat she really loves and only use that one for name training. She’ll soon learn her name means good things. Also, don’t overuse her name if you can when she’s first learning. Also make sure you’re not using her name in place of “come” To call her over to you, I would use “come” or “here” command and teach her that too. It will stick it just takes time. It took my Sophie 4-5 weeks to truly learn her name after DAILY training.
Aww thank you. I did it at the start but realised that when sh knew I had treats she was coming to me no matter what word I use lol. I will give what you say a try and yes just started today using here to call her to me. Thanks x