Hello, my 9 week pup has been eating crabapples which have fallen ages ago and rotten on the ground. He had his first jab yesterday and today has got loose poos. I don't know if this is a result of the crabapples or his injection. Any ideas?
Humm , they will give him tummy ache for sure All apple pips are dangerous in large quantities , they contain cyanide, but I think an awful lot of pips would have to be consumed before they were really toxic . As he is only very young , I would check with the Vet, just to be on the safe side , is he alright in himself ? Vaccinations can also upset young tums so its hard to say which it is , good luck .
Yes - it could be both. My dog gets a runny tummy if she eats rotten apples, but don't worry. Just make sure he drinks plenty (you could put a little honey in the water to encourage him.)
Could be from either or both. Can you rake those up and dispose of them? We put ours in our compost box. If they are off your property it would be best to limit how many he consumes by leaving, leashing or teaching LEAVE IT. I suspect with a young puppy avoiding them might be easiest.
We had the same problem. We picked ours up but she was squeezing behind the shed to find them where I couldn't reach. Definitely gave her a funny tummy!