Puppy eating poop

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Newlab, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. Newlab

    Newlab Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2020
    Does anyone have any tips on how to stop a puppy eating their poop? I’ve read the article on the main site and we’re trying that, but a lot of the suggestions (ie cleaning up straight away) aren’t possible because my puppy literally poops, turns and eats it whilst still pooping (so he has one bit and then snacks whilst pooping out the rest). It’s not like he’s finding poop in the garden, we are stood right by him but have no chance to get to it. We started not being right by him and calling him away (in case being near him made it a fun race to get to it), but it makes no difference he’s still just as quick. Is this a sign that there’s something wrong (medically) or is that still normal puppy behaviour? Any help really appreciated- almost the worst bit is that the turning habit makes it very likely he’ll step in it, so he often walks in back into the house!
  2. SarahG

    SarahG Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2019
    My dog did this as a puppy, so disgusting and smelly! We followed Pipps’s advice here, magic word (sausges!) threw them nearby then very quickly picked up poo. To begin with he would rush back to lick residue, but gradually as he got older he lost interest and now, 14 momths, has no interest at all though will still rush over for his treat as soon as he’s finished. Mind you he didn’t eat until poo complete, your problem sounds trickier but I’m sure he’ll eventually grow out of it. Good luck
  3. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    House line on your puppy, which he's trailing (as with all puppies) - take hold of it when he starts to poop and ensure it's short enough he can't reach his butt/poop, then feed sausages and lure him away.

    It's usually a sign of bad breeding unfortunately - a breeder which didn't keep the puppy pen clean enough and the puppies stimulated enough with interesting objects/enriching experiences, so they just 'play' with what's available....
  4. Newlab

    Newlab Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2020
    Thanks for the tips, I’ll give it a go. Not sure it’d be to do with the breeder as we’ve had him a couple of months now and it’s a more recent behaviour (he didn’t do it for the first 6 weeks or so we got him home).
  5. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    You might want to think about what you're feeding him, if you've changed from what the breeder was feeding.

    Poor quality foods can't be processed properly by the body and are excreted still smelling somewhat like food/edible...
    5labs likes this.
  6. Newlab

    Newlab Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2020
    Yes that’s something I’ve read, but we’re still on the same food so very strange! We’ve been luring Milo away with meaty treats and today he even came away in response to his magic word, so slowly but surely we’re getting there! :)
  7. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Our old girl used to be fed kibble and the other dogs used to eat her poo. As Jo says, kibble is often not digested properly and still has nutritional value to the dog. We moved her onto raw (same as the others) and it stopped straight away.

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