Do any of your pups have days where they just revert to day 1 behaviour? Today Gibson (at 10 weeks old) just decided to forget everything, crap and pee everywhere, is biting anyone that plays with him (in a happy crocodog way, not aggressively). He's done this a couple of times, usually when it's raining. He'll just sit outside the door under the porch giving me the big pitiful guilt-eyes for making him go out in the wet while I'm standing out in the rain getting soaked, waiting for him to come and do his stuff. The best ones are when I open the door, he sees the rain, turns and legs it back inside, peeing on the carpet so I won't make him go out. I do try to carry him outside when I know there's a chance of him doing this, but I'm not always nimble enough to catch a squirming crocodog. I do wonder if I've messed something up and broken his training or if he's just being a brat.
Re: Puppy going backwards. Just a brat day But he does sound pretty crafty about it ;D My dog is 2.5 and still has brat days (or brat hours), fortunately outweighed by the sensible and loveable days
Re: Puppy going backwards. Sounds normal to me LOL, try getting a Chihuahua out in the rain - we ended up with a litter box for her in the end.
Re: Puppy going backwards. At 10 weeks he is still supper young and training/behaviours are not really proofed. Just ignore and carry on, you will get less and less of these moments as he gets older and you are constant
Re: Puppy going backwards. He's doing better again today. Just so frustrating sometimes. I don't think it's teething, just a mood. The rain thing is plain silly though.
Re: Puppy going backwards. Chepi did that once so I didn't shy away from rain and took her for walks in it. Hopefully she is cured as she hasn't done it since. Shocked me when it happened though :
Re: Puppy going backwards. Hollie is having a brat day today........she better snap out of it we have puppy class tonight