My Gimli is now 9 months old and since 6 months his weight has pretty much stabilised at 21kg, is this normal? All the way up to 6 months his weight gain was quite linear and predictable but seems to have stopped altogether since he reached 6 months. He is still his usual happy self and he certainly doesn't look underweight. I think I had read previously that the rate of growth does taper off slightly at that age but I wouldn't have thought it would just stop?
Hi @shawnlinus In general, by about 9 months of age the Lab stops growing in height. You might expect your dog to get heavier and stabilise towards the end of the second year. But Labs vary widely in terms of weight and height. I have a friend with a bitch and her weight is 23 kilos. My Lab's weight stabilised at 29 kilos and was that way for years. It is starting to creep upwards as she enters her senior years. Manifestly, genetics plays a role, as well as the extent of exercise, and metabolism.
Don't worry, you're not alone, my Ash now 22mths stopped growing at 6mths too. His weight has very, very gradually crept up a little since then as he's filled out but his height hasn't changed at all.