Puppy issues

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by betty wiseman, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. betty wiseman

    betty wiseman Registered Users

    Feb 25, 2016
    I have owned my blk lab pup since she was 6 wks old. Shes amazingly smart and quick learner, but has a very stubborn attitude. My puppy just turned 1 year january 12th, she had her first cycle very late and for more then 3 weeks, but she was tagged by a neutered male lab mix which she liked him alot, but as a playmate. She does know commands, crate trained, socialized with pets and humans, potty trained, loves being groomed, leash trained/off leash trained, and guarding she taught herself immediately.


    1. Wont go walking shows fear
    2. Still potty in house after going outside
    3. Cant eat with other pets
    4. Ignores commands
    5. Trouble going into petsmart (its the doors) she will plant her feet and refuse to walk unless if were turning around back to the car.
    6. Wont stay out of the bathroom so she cant be loose

    Other then that i love my baby girl shes lovable, protective, and a big toddler.
  2. Peter

    Peter Registered Users

    Jun 8, 2015
    Hello regarding the first issue "won't go walking , shows fear" you mean that she doesn't like to out for walks? Did you socialize her when she was a puppy? While for the second, maybe the dog feel insecure outside and hold herself from doing that? I've heard stories similiar to this. In my opinion you could try to start again from scratch like when she was a puppy, if i remember correctly there are few articles about potty training you could give it a try. Also soon you'll hear the opinion of the other members, take care.
  3. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    Am I understanding correctly that she has Never been completely potty trained? Or is going in the house now a new thing? If it's new I'd be Vetting as it could be a sign of a UTI. Otherwise, back to baby steps and train toiletting outside all over, which will take a long time if she's gotten into a bad habit.

    Does she have an inverted vulva? That can be a cause of prolonged or sporadic urninary problems if UTI come and go.

    Tagged? What does that mean? She was mounted by another dog, they tied?

    Did she never want to go for walks? Or is this since the other dog episode? Google up on fear periods, whether this is or not, you should find some ideas to help reinstate confidence outside on walks.

    What happens when she eats with other pets? How close are they? I separate mine by several feet plus the fridge blocks their view of each other. I don't expect my pets to socialize when they eat, they get their own space.

    If ignoring commands is a new thing then what I do is back up to some very easy things, like nothing more than asking for a sit. And we take a break from training. How many training classes did you do? What did you do?

    Did something happen in the PetSmart doors? Personally, going by the PetSmart nearest me, my dog will never darken their door anyway so not going in there is no problem. If they are automatic doors can a staff hold them for you and maybe clicker her in? Is she the same with similar doors at other places? If it's only PetSmart I'd just not take her there.

    I don't understand the "won't stay out of the bathroom." Why can she not go in there. And if she can't, does it not have a door you can shut?

    Sorry, I know I probably asked more questions than tried to give answers. But you have presented a whole lot of problems that I can see might easily have some complicating factors we are not aware of, here on the internet where we can't observe. So many in fact that I suggest you consider bringing in a trainer at least, or maybe a behaviourist, to see what's going on in your house, and out in your car and at PetSmart.

    Plus, when there is a change in behaviour (and I can't tell how many of your problems are new things that are changes or have always been problems) then it's always a good idea to get a thorough health check as some ailments can influence behaviour and change it.

    Good luck, welcome to the board. Everybody here will try to help you as best we can.
  4. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Hello there, and a very warm welcome to the forum.

    You have raised such a lot of different issues, it's a bit challenging to know where to start. Perhaps you should choose one thing, and give us a bit more detail about what is happening and we could try to help with that first?

    I also don't know what you mean by your dog was tagged, and also what you mean by your dog taught herself to guard. Guard what?

    I don't know if I'm jumping to conclusions, but you do seem to be describing a nervous dog, and a situation in which you are perhaps struggling to make any headway with some of the basics?

    It might be helpful to you to try to have a couple of sessions with a good (and by that I mean well qualified and positive that is, does not use punishment) trainer?

    Also, it may be that some of the problems are connected - it's not unusual for dogs who left their mother too early (6 weeks is too early) to later have some behaviour problems that need some work I'm afraid. This might be an underlying reason for her nervousness etc.
  5. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
  6. betty wiseman

    betty wiseman Registered Users

    Feb 25, 2016
    Yes, my puppy seems to have fear walking because of all the different noises and cars that go by us so she refuses to go walking.

    My pup has been socialized with people, pets, and going places since she was 6 wks old.

    In regards to potty she is still taken out like a puppy not an adult, not only that before she comes out of her crate she is immediately taken outside.
  7. Peter

    Peter Registered Users

    Jun 8, 2015
    I see well if you could somehow make her associate that walks equal fun this could improve her a little? Just conjecture i came up with. Also for the noise and car you could introduce them slowly with praise treats and other stuff , not sure 100% just what i've seen when i used to go to a dog trainer place. In my opinion some other user can come up with something more insightful, so the only thing that i can say for sure is, find what is root of these behaviour and work on it also if you feel overwhelmed you can still contact a dog trainer to help you out.

    There's another link that you might check in http://www.thelabradorsite.com/labrador-fears-and-phobias/
  8. betty wiseman

    betty wiseman Registered Users

    Feb 25, 2016
    Ok, Ill try and answer all questions to the best of my ability.

    Vi (my puppy) has never gone on leash walks everytime weve tried to take her near the sidewalk she refuses to move. We have discussed this with our vet and shes explained that not all labs will go walking on leash. Now when she is loose and told to goto the car she goes just fine.

    Yes, a male neutered dog mounted her when she was in heat on her 1st cycle.

    My pets go for thorough check ups with the vet all the time. I actually took her for an exam when she got her 1st cycle and she is very healthy. Vi eats natural made dog food and shes on a schedule routine for everything. Vi also is very spoiled and loved.

    Potty issue my husband believes she does it because we have a 16 year old chihuahua with a heart condition which uses pee pads inside and shes copying, but marking on the floor.

    So sorry if i havent answered everything
  9. betty wiseman

    betty wiseman Registered Users

    Feb 25, 2016
    I agree adopting a puppy at 6 weeks old is too soon, but i rather her goto me then just anyone since i do rescue animals.

    When I say my female was tagged I mean she was mounted by a male no she is not pregnant.

    Since we adopted Vi she has been very protective of me. She would sit in between my legs and growl at people walking by. When we go outside and she sees things she doesnt like she will guard by growling and barking.

    The main reason why weve had so many issues is because she graduated from puppy training and everytime we work on something example

    6 wks she was climbing the steps
    7 wks going down the steps
    8 wks jumping in the bed
    9 wks biting toes n fingers
    10 wks walking on leash but only in yard not on sidewalk.

    Shes a very quick learner so we havent been able to train her properly.

    Trainer told us to buy a shock collar but im not comfortable.

    The most help i would like is to be able to take her on walks so she can get her energy out.
  10. betty wiseman

    betty wiseman Registered Users

    Feb 25, 2016
  11. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Ok, let's start with walks then. :)

    From your post, she is fine with going in the car? What happens when she gets out of the car? Is that for a walk and she is ok then?

    Is she ok with wearing a collar and lead around the house? In the garden (yard)? So can you walk her around the yard on a collar and lead?

    If so, what is the trigger for her becoming scared? As you head towards something? The gate or entrance to your property?
  12. betty wiseman

    betty wiseman Registered Users

    Feb 25, 2016
    I want to explain so that others dont get the wrong idea.

    Vi, was posted on craigslist for $25 along with her brother at 6 weeks old. My husband and I rescue dogs and cats. It was either rescuing 1 or none since the owner was giving them to anyone as soon as possible so we adopted Vi.

    Vi, is our first puppy that we have kept as our own and havent placed for adoption once trained. Vi, went to puppy training at petsmart at the age of 8 wks and I had to carry her because the automatic doors scare her. Since adopting Vi she has always shown some fear with noises, but other then that shes lovable, smart, quick learner, i have her on a routine schedule, she plays with my husband everyday which is her master. I am her caregiver, but not master.

    Vi, has toys, 2 dog crates one is used for a bed which has blankets and a dog bed inside and the other is a crate that she hangs out in when were gone. When were home shes loose and runs the home. She goes potty outside at 6am, noon, 3pm, 6pm, 8pm, 11pm, and sometimes 1:30am. Fed 1 1/2 cup at 7am and 1cup at 8pm. During the day she gets dental treats and homemade healthy treats from bonefido.

    Vi knows many commands and she is leash trained, but shes very energetic and can be stubborn at times.

    My baby girl is only 1 and shes my first pup that ive had for this long of time. My husband he takes naps with her and she cuddles with him like shes a lil baby. We love her to death.
  13. betty wiseman

    betty wiseman Registered Users

    Feb 25, 2016

    She is great on leash and harness away from the home. When i go to take her away from the home on leash for a walk she pulls like shes scared. Like she isnt suppose to leave.

    We goto the dog park and she has so much fun.

    I do live on a busy street.
  14. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Ok, can you describe what happens? If you walked down a pavement (sidewalk) leaving the dog park would she be ok?
  15. betty wiseman

    betty wiseman Registered Users

    Feb 25, 2016
    Shes go straight to the car or pulls us.

    We have socialized her alot with people and pets, but im afraid she isnt comfortable around others unless its in the home.

    She pulls or plants her feet so you cant walk her.
  16. betty wiseman

    betty wiseman Registered Users

    Feb 25, 2016
    Dog trainer had us buy the walker lead, but she flipped out and threw her body in the air so trainer said we wouldnt use it because she does good with her harness.

    I use dog treats, but she doesnt want them shes to focused on me making her move.
  17. betty wiseman

    betty wiseman Registered Users

    Feb 25, 2016
    The only thing i can think of is when i was outside with Vi when training her to have leash on and pick it up and bring it to me a man came to the yard behind me and when she barked and growled for him to get away he didnt listen. I turned around he was close to me i asked him to move. He didnt listen so Vi came closer and he went to hit her. Neighbors dog came running out attacking the man for attacking my pup...the guy still wouldnt leave.

    Vi was about 2 months old.

    When she goes in the car she isnt on leash. When we goto the vet shes on leash and shes fine.

    She just has never been ok with walks away from home.
  18. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    So, do you know it is about a certain point when you go to leave your property on foot with her on a collar and lead?

    For example, if you put her in the car, drove outside your property and down the street a little way, then got her out to walk, would she be ok? If you haven't tried this, you might.

    You need to know whether the problem is just a certain space that she won't pass on your property, or it's the street outside that's the problem.
  19. betty wiseman

    betty wiseman Registered Users

    Feb 25, 2016
    I will have to try going some place else and walking her to see how she reacts.

    I just know once we get past the yard she wont go further.

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