Our 14 week old puppy has recently decided it's ok to drink from her water dish and then pick it up and spill all the water left in it on the floor. Any ideas why she does this and how to fix it?
Bailey did that too - as well as digging in his water bowl. No ideas unfortunately from me as luckily this only lasted a couple of weeks. He now brings in his food bowl when he's finished!
No help here either other than to say my Lab might as well be tipping over his water dish with the amount of water he dribbles all over the floor.........
I changed to a big, heavy bowl that he could not tip. A thrift store big ceramic mixer bowl, food safe. The playing in the water stage lasted about three months but he could only splash it out, not tip it out. ONly filling the bowl about a third full helped too.
I'm with @Snowshoe . I invested in a heavy bowl that couldn't be tipped or picked up and not too much water at a time so plenty of refreshing which keeps the cats happy
My puppy does this. Or she digs in the bowl if she can't pick it up. I had to stop leaving a bowl of water in her pen because of it. Since I've been in Andorra and the dogs have been using their regular bowl (as opposed to travel bowls), she hasn't done it once. It's a very big, very heavy Mason Cash bowl, like this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002TRKDYK/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Brogan left his water bowl alone, but when he was a puppy he'd drag his food dish from the kitchen into the living room, leaving a trail of food behind him. After a week of messes, I just started feeding him in the living room and he was happy - never bothered his bowl again. I guess he just feel the living room had better dining ambiance than the kitchen?!
Sparky did this as well. Figured I'd get one of those water bottle thingies which worked very well, except he would still leave a puddle of water. Problem was he stopped drinking from a bowl, and this was an issue if we weren't at home. So got rid of the water bottle and used a heavier ceramic bowl. Later on it was replaced with a lighter aluminum bowl which he has never tipped over.... yet.
Cooper used to be a Water Paddler, but she has pretty much quit as she matured. She didn't carry it around though. We have several of the old classic SS dog dishes that are sloped so they are impossible to pick up, but we don't use them for water because they don't hold enough. Two labs go though a lot of water every day. The other day though I saw Cooper in the back yard, standing in the outside water bowl while she drank from it. It is a huge S.S. dish, that is filled by rainwater most of the winter.
W&S aren't big drinkers. I would regularly refresh the water in their bowl, but it very rarely was emptied. Luna drinks like a fish! I have to refill the bowl several times a day. I'm going to get another one for the summer, because I dread to think how much she'll go through when it's hot!
Larks doesn't splash her water around while drinking, HOWEVER she lets the water drop everywhere out of her mouth when she picks her head up! I've taken to putting a bath matt under her water dish because she was making the floor warp from it being wet!