Please help! I have a beautiful 7 month old black labrador bitch puppy. In the last week or so we have seen a change in her personality. She is either very clingy or takes herself off to a corner of the garden to sit alone. She is also off her dry food too, she is more than happy to eat the wet topper and any treats/ tit bits we give her but she won't eat much of her normal dry food. She is still happy and excited when we come home or play with her etc and she loves playing with other dogs Her toilet patterns are all still normal. I would really appreciate some advice, TIA.
Has she been spayed? A change in behaviour like this may mean she's coming into season if she's entire.
I'm not sure because we had Willow spayed before her first season. Others may have some experience. Have you checked her vulva to see if there are any signs of swelling yet?
I'd agree that it sounds like she is coming into season. I'd do some reading about this so you know what to expect and how to keep her away from potential boyfriends
It could be that she's coming into season. My girl changes with the weather - when it goes cold then warm!. She can be fussy with her food and can be wanting to play lots or totally the opposite. I would keep a close eye on her for a few days and she if she starts eating/playing, and if not might be worth getting her checked over at the vets
My money would also be on her coming into season in the next week or so. Is she peeing more than normal? That is also a sign. I think Poppy first came into heat at around 8 months.