Puppy Parvo

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by ASHLEY MORGAN, Jul 1, 2019.


    ASHLEY MORGAN Registered Users

    Jul 1, 2019
    Our 10 week old puppy was diagnosed with parvo yesterday. He started having slightly bloody diarrhea on Monday and the vet wasn't concerned because he had absolutely no other symptoms.

    Friday evening he started throwing up but his diarrhea had improved tremendously.

    Saturday morning he woke up and was having bloody (pure water) diarrhea, throwing up, and lethargic. We rushed him to the animal emergency clinic. They gave him a bolus of fluid, an anti-nausea injection, and an antibiotic injection. They sent me home with supplies to do the subq fluid injections. He started feeling better, eating again (so much I had to cut him off), and drinking water again.

    He had two bowel movements last night that were diarrhea but neither had blood and they were thicker than earlier. He went 10 hours today without having a BM and when he did it was still diarrhea but thicker still not bloody. He doesn't seem to be third spacing the fluid, and he is urinating fine. He was 100% himself this morning, but about 1200 today he became lethargic and started throwing up again. I took him back to the clinic for another anti-nausea injection. He's still acting tired, but not as much. I don't understand why he was perfectly fine this morning and then regressed.

    Could the pattern of the bowel movements mean that he's finally getting over this stuff? Maybe he's just tired because he's sick? Its just weird that he was playing last night and 100% okay this morning and out of nowhere he got worse :(
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
  3. Athena

    Athena Registered Users

    Jun 13, 2018
    NE coast, USA
    Does your vet have the facilities to provide overnight care and monitoring for your pup? If I were in your shoes I would prefer my dog be admitted for IV fluids and monitoring. If his electrolytes are out of wack, it could make him worse obviously. Are you near a vet hospital or can your vet refer you to one? Or at least explain (darn clearly) why this isn't necessary to protect your pup?

    Fingers crossed for you and pup
  4. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hope things are improving today. If not, and if you haven't notified your vet that your puppy took a turn for the worse I would definitely do so without delay. Parvovirus can be difficult to treat especially in such a young dog.

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