Hey everyone, Apologies if this has been done in a thread before, but I for one cannot stop looking at all the beautiful labs on this site, everyone talks with such proudness and love about their Labradors so I thought id start a thread where we can show them off. Please add your puppy photos - from what I understand they are still puppies up to 18-24 months so feel free to add some teenage years in here too: This is my Dexter at 6 weeks old with his brand new name tag:
Oh well, just to help out, here's one of Chepi with Dooley last year (can't resist sharing). Chepi and Dooley (11weeks and 18 years) by Jane Martin, on Flickr
Great photos. I've tried to 'upload attachments' but it keeps saying I'm not authorised to upload attachments. Any ideas?
You can't upload photos directly to the forum (other than your avatar) because of the restrictions on server space, so we all use a photo sharing website, like Flickr, Photobucket or Imgur instead, then just share the link here with a BBCode (that's where the picture link is surrounded by [ IMG]...[/IMG] tags) which makes them show up in line.
Ah!! Thanks! Think I've just created a Flickr account... Here goes! Bailey at 11 weeks old by Neil Bolton, on Flickr Bailey at 12 weeks old by Neil Bolton, on Flickr
Oh, Bailey is gorgeous! I'm glad you managed to do it Here are some of mine over the months: Shadow at 6 weeks (still at the breeder's, obviously) Willow at 6 weeks Willow at 8 weeks at home Willow at 14 weeks (crocopup!) Shadow at about 5 months Shadow and Willow at nine months: I need to get my most recent ones uploaded so I can share now they are a year old
aww Roxy's little curls on her ears are very cute! Bailey's got the head tilt down to a tee. snowbunny that is so lovely to see your pups throughout the year Cant get enough of these pictures
Peri at 8 and a half weeks just after we got her [/URL] Peri at 10 weeks [IMG][URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/SUEC/media/IMG_4259%20-%20Copy.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/SUEC/IMG_4259%20-%20Copy.jpg[/URL] Peri at 14 weeks [IMG][URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/SUEC/media/IMG_0023.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/SUEC/IMG_0023.jpg[/URL]
Here's our new guy that we got yesterday - new member here! Finley https://www.flickr.com/gp/65574520@N06/pkB1Ua