Puppy problems - will things EVER improve???

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Karen, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. Jeannette Chwaliszewski

    Jeannette Chwaliszewski Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2019
    San Francisco CA East Bay
    Good morning Everyone: Thank you for your input. I got training in books, etc. I just feel overwhelmed with her. She is a 24/ 7 energy dog. I had been lack of rest for the last 3 weeks since I got her. I don't even have time to eat a decent meal (which I forget ) a little less to read my books. My whole day is dedicated to her. I even put my home business on hold. We play at least 2/3 hrs/day. and she still does not calms down. I feel like a got a very aggressive puppy.
    My husband, it does not help. he is never here. When he is here, he does whatever with her and doesn't follow all my training exercises. ( i wrote everything for him to follow) . It is playtime for him!!!!!!! But he does not the puppy's linens, clean her messes daily alike I have too. He has not had one single day to care for her by himself. I am always here to help. I was not ready to get another dog yet. But he wanted to get one to ease the pain from our late little girl passing.

    I woke up upset and my body hurts every day. I am in the point, I want to give her away. I am exhausted and old for all this drama. I am just so frustrated. I am alone doing this. Her vet advised me not to walk her yet since she has not completed all her shots. But, I am ready. I have the harness and all walking gear. I know this will help her. I am using essential oils diffuser to ease the distress in our life. To calm her down. I give her or try to give massages and connect with her. I am finding myself yelling more at her, due to her bad behavior. she does not listen. I know I need to recharge my energy to cope with her. But I don't have anyone else to help me. She is so beautiful, but not the kind of puppy as I expected to be. My first puppy was not like this. she was so mellow and trained in 2 weeks (in an apt. setting). I fell very depressed and I feel this dog is not good for my health.

    Thoughts? about walking her ? steps I need to take. she needs to get out and explore. But, I don't want to risk her health by not having her all vaccinations, she is only 10 weeks old now...
  2. Emily with Ardie

    Emily with Ardie Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2019
    HI everyone.
    My boyfriend and I are struggling with a 12 week black Lab! Waiting for his 2nd vaccinations still so very conscious about his exploring in the garden. He eats the plants, wood chip in the soil and now frequently rips up grass. We Have many chew toys for him and he is very clever and learned many basic commands - sit, paw, in your crate, stay.... but by evening (7pmish) his attention is gone and he starts naughtly chewing the radiator pipes, kitchen cupboards, a corner wall etc even though he has his toys. I have read he is overthreshold and gets the zoomies also but any advice on what I need to do better in the day time to prevent this stage at night? Thank you so much for advice.!!! Emily
  3. Carrie J

    Carrie J Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2019
    I hope things have gotten better. I've had my 8 week old puppy for 10 days and have felt very depressed. The 4:45am wake up is killing me so I'm working to get her to bed later. I'm praying with all my might this gets better. If she would just sleep later that would be so much help.
  4. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Hi what your describing is so normal and typical of puppies I'm afraid but it will get better and quite quickly.

    Our pup was the same and we started doing some training in the evening with her, she still had manic zoomie moments but this slowly improved. We found the training session of sit, down, find, bed ect tired her out.

    Also we sometimes have her a yak chew, antler or frozen Kong to calm her and stop her chewing on us or the furniture.

    Good luck
    selina27 likes this.
  5. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Hi there, it's really difficult at first when you get your puppy. I think the sleep deprivation affects everything else, including how you feel about your new puppy!

    It does get better. Have you tried playing or some gentle training during the evening to make her tired? We found this helped Isla sleep longer, although obviously a very young pup does need to wake to toilet.

    Once your getting a good night's sleep you'll feel so much more able to cope. It doesn't go on for to long so keep you chin up.

    Good luck
    selina27 likes this.
  6. CPTCrash

    CPTCrash Registered Users

    Feb 21, 2018
    My cousin (who raises dogs and shows them) told me to put him in his crate and when he started barking or getting out of hand cover his crate with a sheet and be quiet. When he stops barking then remove the sheet. Repeat this until he stops completely. I think i did this like 2 or 3 times for like a few nights and he was fine afterwards.
  7. Ant62

    Ant62 Registered Users

    Aug 7, 2019
    We have our 4th dog which is a black Labrador retriever..
    We decided to call him Logan aftwr a beach we visit 4 or 5 times a year on holiday with our other 3 dogs...

    Logan is now 20wks old and we are his second owners due to the previous owners stating that didnt want him due to her son having an allergy.
    Which after talking to her etc and getting some background info we believe little Logan was left to his own devices from 8wks old to 10wks old for upto 10hrs a day in a room or possibly the kitchen.
    Logan in our eyes was under weight at 4.5kg and it became apparent he is from a working dog background...
    Now logan is 100% totally different in everyway from our other 3 dogs who are in their golden years.
    They are 12 12 10 1/2 yrs old....
    What we are experiencing with logan is what nearly everybody says happens to them.
    It took us almost 2wks to coax logan out for his first walk.
    Then as we would walj around the block with him he would pull like a train and jump up to rip clothing..
    We have gotten him into puppy school which starts in a couple of weeks which i hope helps....

    Another issue with logan is that he will not walk with our other 3 and when he does he as to be in front constantly which hw then whips around and jumps at the other dogs faces...
    We have worked out that its a come play situation....

    Over the weeks we have got logan to command.
    We have even let him have a couple of runs off the lead in the park and he recalls instantly for a treat.
    He will walk with other dogs and their owners without issue..
    One major issue is that Logan as to be with me everywhere so he as separation issues which i believe is down to the previous owners leaving him all day...
    His walking issues as now got to the point of we have to use an halti which i know gasp shock horror.
    But its as calmed him some what but thats only 2 walks.

    So logan is a work in progress..
  8. Emily Stevenson

    Emily Stevenson Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2019
    Hello! I have a 20 week old puppy. Full disclosure- he’s not a Labrador, he’s an Old tyme bulldog. Please don’t chuck me out for that This forum is great to read through and realise others are going through the same as me. This is a bit of a long post- just need somewhere to offload so I hope that’s ok!
    I felt toilet training was going well- over 2 weeks with no accidents. However last week he had about 5 accidents - twice in one day a couple of times. He was also sleeping from 11-6 no bother but has wet his bed three times over the last 2 weeks. I then started getting up throughout the night with him again - started at 3:30am and have managed to push it to 4:30am. I tried to push it to 5am yesterday morning as I’m waking him up to take him out but when I came down he had wet the bed again.
    During the day I take him out after eating, drinking, naps, and at least every hour in between unless he shows signs he needs out sooner. I praise him when he goes outside and ignore any inside- just clean then with enzyme spray.
    I took him to puppy training classes and the trainer said he may be teething as this can throw off toilet training. She was right- his canines came out and his molars are coming in. I was wondering if the discomfort from the teething was maybe waking him up at night and then he realised he needed a pee? Is 11-6 too long to expect him to hold it at almost 5 months? He had a uti months ago, but I don’t think he has one again- he’s not showing the same symptoms. I understand that dogs aren’t reliably trained until 7 or so months but I thought we’d be a bit further along by now- mainly because I think we were doing very well but now he seems to have regressed! I know that accidents are my fault- I need to have him in the right place when he goes - but how will he build up control if I take him out every 30 mins?
    What age were yours when they were sleeping through the night? And a bit more reliable during the day? Also how long were you leaving your pups during the day? Atm I can pop him in his crate for a couple of hours but he does start barking a bit after the 1.5/2hr mark. My bf isn’t overly sympathetic and says I need to leave him and get him used to it but I don’t want him to panic and hate the crate and feel trapped. Am I just mental and way overthinking this? He’s my first puppy and I just want to do well by him and not have an anxious dog that I can’t leave!
    Sorry for such a long post. I’m very tired and worried I’m mucking this up.
  9. lauramcmann1221

    lauramcmann1221 Registered Users

    Jul 18, 2019
    New Mexico
    What you mentioned is what I also encountered. Expect everyone's experience. Laura!!!
  10. Paige Bower

    Paige Bower Registered Users

    Sep 11, 2019

    Thank you Karen! Did you ever experience problems when leaving the house? My pup HATES being alone. He just turned 5 months.
  11. Shana

    Shana Registered Users

    Dec 14, 2019
    This is definitely helpful to read! First time chocolate owner and sometimes I think I’m gonna go insane! He can be so good but lately he’s jumping up on the counter, jumping up on the table, biting everything, and the jumping on me..does anyone else’s lab bring their toys to your chest and then just bite at it on your chest...i just keep telling myself he’s a puppy and keep thinking of him as a baby. But I’m so thankful for this thread! I just keep thinking positive.
  12. Amyc

    Amyc Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2020
    I have a 6 month old silver lab called buddy , we have had buddy since 9 weeks and from that very day he has been up to mischief but loving at the same time ans over excited but also good command with me . All that's very much expected and we thought with time it would calm down well a little hahha ! I have two young children who adore him as does he adore them however he has started becoming super aggressive towards me and has been for some time now , it use to be the odd puppy bites doing the washing up but now he full on jumps around growling and trying to snap me and he is a very large dog with very sharp teeth an extra loud bark and he just gets this switch and goes from being ok with me well for about a minute to then going nuts. He listens to every word my partner says and never shows aggression to him or the kids and I just don't get it ! He use to try climb up to the sofa to me and climb behind my back with paws on my head and I use to joke to my partner and say he thinks he's the boss of me like an alpha lion lol ! But now it's made me think! It's also difficult to let buddy freely walk around the house when we have guests as he can be a excitable pup to then snapping when stroked or barking loudly and and snapping teeth. Does anyone relate to any of this please ??

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2020
  13. Done

    Done Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2020
    Thanks for replies but I do not recommend a Lab to anyone. The risks way to high! Had Lab pup for six months and I am more than discouraged. Experience has not been rewarding at all. Cannot leave for work with her in house, in metal kennel, or yard without significant damage to doors kennel itself furniture and nothing is safe from destruction or ingesting. No means nothing to her and the house is her toilet. Every behavior worse as time goes on so far! Barking mama! Anyone offer more in the way of hope except time?
  14. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    I'm so sorry to hear you are struggling :( Puppies are life changing, and you aren't alone in finding it hard.

    What are your arrangements for your Lab while you are at work, and how long are you out of the house for each day?

    These do all sound like problems that can be overcome. Some initial useful reads are this article on raising a puppy when you work full time, this article on dealing with destructive behavior and this one on dealing with barking.

    Do let us know how you get along!
  15. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    You puppy is still very young, quite a baby infact. She has a long way to go in regards development and training. She needs patience, understanding and constant training. They do go through a chewy stage I think at about 6 months..teething related. However destruction and chewing can be related to boredom. At 6 months she should be house trained, how are you managing her toilet training. Are you going to training classes, these can be so helpful at this stage. How long is she being left for as that could be contributing to some of these issues. I have had 3 breeds..Newfoundland’s, A Malamute and a lab. Despite an intensive first year of training, my lab is by far the easiest dog I have ever had. Most of these challenges are as @lucy@labforumHQ says are able to be overcome with some training and adjustments to home life.
  16. Done

    Done Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2020
    Thanks for reply. Will let you know if things change or what works but things very worse now. Could not pay me to have a lab now. And frankly my keyboard browser so slow on this site almost unusable. Pup only left alone 2 hours a week at this time and life just plain hell the rest of the time!
  17. Done

    Done Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2020
    The issue with this site is my IE browser it will not work well here at all. Done
  18. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    I suspect the difficulty you are referring to is that you are not seeing your posts. If so, your posts were not being displayed because new users have their first couple of posts put through a moderation process - it's to make sure that spammers can't put up unpleasant or annoying posts while we aren't here :) You've posted a few times now, so this filter should have automatically been removed. But do let me know if you have any further issues!
  19. Done

    Done Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2020
    Thanks for reply I should have been clearer when on the IE browser takes a minute or more to type a single word on another browser normal typing input and acceptance. May be all my end and or relationship with IE none the less had to use another browser to input messages. D
  20. Done

    Done Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2020
    Our pup seems to be bored 16/7
    Chewing since day one and more so now at 7 months
    Not house trained put her out constantly praise her for functions outside no's for inside.
    Not interested in paying for training.
    Pup alone twice a week 1-2 hours only.
    Adjustments ? Have to put everything 6 feet high to remain untouched but how do you do that with a couch?

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