Hi. Yesterday I began 'charging' my clicker. I did a session of 20 C&Ts and all went well. When I revisited this today, after 5 C&Ts my 9wk old's tail went between her legs and she shot out of the room. Now, every time I get a pot of treats or my clicker she runs off . How do I make her see the clicker in a positive way when every time I click it she runs off? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
Some dogs are sensitive to the sound . Your options are to try and reduce the sound, for example have the clicker in a pocket and click, try a different vlucker with a different sound level - they do vary alot or ditch the clicker and use a marker word - click is good and not something you say in normal day to day conversations. The training will progress with a marker word and it's more important that your pup is happy and enjoying training. With the treat pot just use a different pot and try some chicken breast diced into very small squares.
Thank you for replying Jojo83 I've wrapped the clicker in a sock to muffle the sound and that seems to have done the trick (especially in combination with the higher value reward!)