Puppy Teething?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by RobbieD1506, Sep 23, 2018.

  1. RobbieD1506

    RobbieD1506 Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2018

    I have an 18 week lab. This morning he woke my up by whining from his crate (which he’s never done before...not even on the first night). I let him out and he weed and pooed normally. He’s incredibly restless though, still whining and barking at me/jumping around which we haven’t had since he started to calm a couple of weeks ago. I also gave him his breakfast and he brought half of it back up straightaway. He’s not particularly quiet or seeming down though (aside from the slight whining). Could this be teething or a general poorly pup?
  2. 1001

    1001 Registered Users

    Apr 12, 2018
    When my pup was going through his teething stage he didn't really act too differently other than just wanting to chew a lot more but that was him, and every dog is different.
    It could be teething but it could also be something more. You know your pup better than anyone so if you're in any doubt at all its always best to have a trip to the vet.
  3. RobbieD1506

    RobbieD1506 Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2018
    Ok thanks. He’s chewed a far bit and fallen asleep again now so not sure if he was up quite a bit in the night. His food has never come back up before so that’s what’s worrying me most. It wasn’t really sick, just a wad of food. Poss being over-anxious as we haven’t experienced him being ill before. Should I try giving him something plain for lunch (ie rice?) And should I call a vet if this continues today or leave it 24 hours? Any advice much appreciated.
  4. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    I don't think this is teething, it sounds like he's feeling a bit unwell.

    If he is vomiting repeatedly or he seems very unwell, then call the vet. If it is just one or two pukes, then probably skipping a meal and/or just feeding a tiny amount and monitoring him, would be best...

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