Puppy upset tummy

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Northfarm, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Northfarm

    Northfarm Registered Users

    Oct 3, 2015
    Feel awful. Puppy pooed in her crate between hours of 4.30 and 6.45 she didn't cry and we have been setting alarm to getup for her. She also has very runny poo. She is now 9 weeks. I have continued feeding her the food breeder used (although it's small/medium breed iams) We feed our older dog burns food and had planned to move puppy to the puppy version but clearly we won't be doing this at the moment.
    Worried she will now start to poo in crate and worried about her upset tummy, worried about her feed so basically a worried puppy mummy!
  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    My Willow went through a runny tummy stage at around the same age, or maybe a week later. I slept on the sofa until it was cleared up, so I could get her outside as soon as she woke. One incident won't make her always poo in her crate; just make sure you clean all the bedding really well and clean the base of the crate with an enzymatic cleaner like Simple Solution to remove all traces of smell that sensitive dog noses can sniff out.
    It's not unusual for puppies to have upset tummies, but if it lasts more than a few days, it's best to take her (and a sample) to your vet to have it checked for bugs that need treating.

    Have you tried feeding chicken and rice? That's usually good for firming things up; cut up a chicken breast into bite-size chunks and put in a pan of water with rice. Cook until the rice is soft. Allow to cool and serve sloppy to replace fluids. I'd only do this for a day at this age, as it doesn't contain all the nutrients your dog needs and if things persist, you really need a vet check.

    If she's on the same food as she was eating previously, it's probably nothing to do with that. Once she's firmed up again and if you prefer to, you can slowly transfer her over to the other food, over the course of a week to ten days, replacing just a fraction of the meal at a time.
  3. Northfarm

    Northfarm Registered Users

    Oct 3, 2015
    Thank you snowbunny. I will try some chicken and rice her last poo was more firm so hopefully on the mend. Think I had better go to her more regularly tonight to avoid any accidents.
  4. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    Had she been wormed or vaccinated recently? Like that day or the day before? That can upset some tummies with vomitting or loose stool. Conversely, needing a worming might also produce some runny poop.
  5. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Try not to worry too much, puppies do have upset tummies from time to time - as Snowshoe says, sometimes as a reaction to worming or vaccination, sometimes due to something they have eaten, sometimes just for no reason you can see!

    Keep a close eye on her; I would probably miss one feed after a bout of diarrhea and then feed chicken and rice for a while. Make sure she is drinking, and if the loose stools persist or if she is too quiet and listless and/or won't drink then off to the vets quickly.

    I am sure she won't make a habit of poo-ing in her crate; puppies generally hate to have their sleeping area wet or dirty.
  6. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Ah you've had some good advice so I'm just popping by to sympathise..my dog was runny for a while when he was younger so I sympathise with how it makes you feel.She's been through a lot of change,only just leaving her mum and siblings last week and settling into a routine with you is a big deal for them.I hope she seems better as the day goes by and keeps drinking plenty.Once she has got over this and is settled you can start to change her feed over very gradually,
    Best Wishes
    Angela x

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