Pure bred lab?

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by scoutpuppy, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Pure bred lab?

    [quote author=Oberon link=topic=2859.msg29670#msg29670 date=1381618989]
    I breed and show ducks and you would not believe it but the 'pure bred versus cross bred' debate in poultry is unbelievable. People almost come to fisticuffs over it. Damned hilarious, really.

    :D ;D ;D

    A "pure bred" duck? Well, of course, I suppose there must be such a thing. Do you register them with the coop club? I'd love to see some duck pics...
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Pure bred lab?

    Well, that's the tricky thing, Julie - there is no register for poultry. Breeders keep their own records, but that's all. There are breed standards for all breeds, and birds are judged against them. All they can be assessed on is their appearance. You don't have prove any ancestry. The 'exhibition versus utility' debate also ranges - should you breed for type (the "show ring") or should you breed for egg laying? These questions, and more, are what make some people lie awake at night (not me though... ;D ). I'll put up a thread about my ducks when we get home :)

    Sorry about the duck detour, Scoutpuppy!! :)
  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Pure bred lab?

    Hi and welcome from me, two year old Lab Sam and our rescue scruffbag Millie ( age and " breed " unknown ;D )
    Your boy is stunning, whatever genes he is carrying , he stands so beautifully :)
    Labs certainly do vary in shape and size even when they are registered pedigree dogs . My Sam is huge , weighing 37 kilos and very tall and slender, he towers over most other labs , I constantly get asked if he crossed with something else ( think Great Dane ;) ) but he has a five generation pedigree , so dont worry about what others say or think , Scout is a handsome boy :)
  4. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Pure bred lab?

    My near neighbours mated their Labrador to another Labrador; pups were born, all black and then doubt crept in, they looked mostly like Labs but some behaved like Springers, it was then discovered although a mating did take place between the Labs, the owners' spaniel got there first!

    My one Lab looks as if he has a "touch of the Flatcoat" and my other one has a very long and unlabrador like tail, no 1 dog is Uncle to no 2 and they come from good gundog kennels and both their sires are FTCh, I have met the one. I thought it useful to say that no 2 is crossed with a Collie then it maybe more unlikely that he gets stolen! Though of course he isn't ;D They are both tall and slim.
  5. scoutpuppy

    scoutpuppy Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2013
    Re: Pure bred lab?

    Thanks all for your info and lovely comments about Scout ;D

    Like I say, I know the labs I went to see were Scouts parents, having said that, they live a few miles away from us and we go and see them now and again and both his parents hate Scout :-\, his dad calms down after a bit, but his mum is the worst and his sister calms down after a bit too, but I know a few people who own GSPointers around here, so I was just wondering if maybe a pointer got hold of Scouts dam as well as his dad Barney out on a walk or something because I have heard of that happening.

    When Scout sees things on walks, he points and he stands just a pointer, and when he alarm barks out on walks when he see's people on narrow trail walks, he doesn't do separate barks he sort of howl barks sounding like a few barks all together all at once if you know what I mean :p if that's more a pointer thing or what I don't know :p and he ranges far when walking in fields and other open spaces and likes to run around a fair bit too.

    I think in time I may get a dna test done, but either way I don't care if Scout does have pointer in him because I love pointers to and I love Scout to bits! he's my best friend and family member and he's a such an awesome dog! ;D

    Don't worry about the duck diversion either, it was interesting! ;D

  6. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Pure bred lab?

    [quote author=JulieT link=topic=2859.msg29668#msg29668 date=1381614555]
    Well I think these pointer (or pointer-ish) boys look just lovely - who cares what they are, they are super handsome.

    Here, here Julie, Charlie couldn't agree more and says thank you ;D Charlie is most probably one of a very few dogs on this forum without papers as rescue dogs only come with one paper which is 'Adoption'. We are always being asked is he Lab x Great Dane, etc. etc. We don't care whatever he is, he is still mischievous, runs off, eats a lot and drives us absolutely crazy at times :eek: Charlie is Charlie :* Helen x
  7. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Pure bred lab?

    Agree with you both , Miss Millie hasnt got papers either ( surprise surprise ;D ;D ) heaven knows what breeds are in her genes , but it really doesnt matter at all does it ? x
  8. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Pure bred lab?

    [quote author=kateincornwall link=topic=2859.msg29729#msg29729 date=1381665616]
    but it really doesnt matter at all does it ? x

    Not one little bit! As I handed over £15 to the Kennel Club to register Charlie, I couldn't help but wonder again why on earth, as a pet owner, I was doing it (to keep the breeder happy is the answer, and she is very helpful, so want to do so). The only point in Charlie's papers is for interest - I'm never going to breed (even if I did, the pups can't be registered because the breeder has a restriction), show him or compete him. So can't see the point, really.
  9. scoutpuppy

    scoutpuppy Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2013
    Re: Pure bred lab?

    Scout didn't come with papers, but I was told it was because both his parents were about 8 months at the time of mating and apparently the kennel club doesn't register litters born to a dam that was under one year old at the time of mating, his dam was about 1 year and 2 weeks when Scout was born and his dad was 1 year and 1 month I think.
  10. scoutpuppy

    scoutpuppy Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2013
    Re: Pure bred lab?

    I acquired Scouts parents papers a few months ago and up until now, haven't been able to find any info about Scouts dads side, but after ages of looking around I have finally found info on Scouts dad.

    Scouts dads pedigree is made up entirely of show bred Labradors and is chock full of English and some English and American show champions.
    Scouts mums side is made up entirely of field lines and again is full of field trial award and champion winners.

    So this may seem to explain Scouts looks as he is a direct cross between the 2 different types of Labradors, and looking at the pictures I have found of both sides of his parents pedigrees, Scout most definitely takes after the ladies in his pedigree in terms of his looks and build etc probably why a lot of people think he's bitch :)

    I still may get dna test in time just to satisfy my curiosity! :)

    For the record though, does anyone own or have experience with german pointers, if so, how do they act around the house and on walks, I know Scouts shows some pointerish behaviour, but just wondering if there is anything else he may match pointers on behaviour and temperament wise etc.


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