My pup loves these. 5-10 minutes peace!
Yeah I made a mess of the link. This is the closest I could find on the US site:
I spent a small fortune on puzzle toys and my boy figured them all out in seconds. The most difficult one at the store with increasing levels of difficulty was over in seconds also. He turned the thing upside down and got all the treats in one go. Lol. We find a frozen Kong to way more practical
Hi Mom2Labs. We've recently tried a few different things because our 11wk old pup has an injury and we're doing all we can to keep her entertained. We bought a Kong Wobbler and give her meals to her in this 3 times a day. It only keeps her entertained for about 10 minutes because she's quickly figured it out, but it's so much more engaging that eating out of a bowl. It slows her down too. We use frozen filled Kongs too, but tend to reserve these for her mad biting periods or when she wants to tear up the grass like a crazed goat. These will keep her busy for about half an hour. We've also recently bought a Buster Cube which looks a lot harder than the Kong Wobbler. It only got delivered today so I can't tell you how she's getting on with it yet - I've had it recommended to us by a few people though so it might be worth a try Let me know what works for you and your pup.
We have a few puzzle balls, a Kong wobbler and several normal kongs. He loves all of them and gets really excited when I go to the box they live in. We save frozen kongs for when he has to be alone- so much so that he now looks forward to us leaving... thanks puppy! (in all seriousness though, that is so much better than him stressing when we leave) The wobbler amuses him for 5-10mins and he will continue to push it around when its empty. Good for when I want to hve breakfast in peace! I would like to try some more difficult puzzles, like the Nina Ottosson ones but I'm not sure if my big galumpus would just tip them over!
Thank you with all of the tips we bought a couple different ones, he loves them and it occupies him for 10-15 min. We feed him one of his meals in it, usually mid days meal but might change it to evening since that is when he seems to get crazy, its fun to watch him play with them. I was looking at the Nina Ottosson ones too, I feel like our puppy would really enjoy them but haven't quite got there to buying it, wonder if anyone else has experience with them.
My puppy is 13 weeks and when I give her a frozen KONG she doesn’t even really try. She just gives up. She knows what to do when not frozen though....
It takes a little while and they can get discouraged if it's too difficult. What you can do is fill most of the Kong with dry or minimally soaked kibble and just make a plug of something soft (we use wet dog food or banana) and freeze it so she gets the idea of a frozen Kong with a faster payoff. Another thing we sometimes do it have a piece of banana just jammed into the hole because it is smelly, and the easy pickings help pique their interest.
I bought this one for Coco when he was quite new - to try and keep him occupied for 5 minutes while I got ready to take him out - he was a 30kg biting, jumping whirlwind. It did help, but he soon learned to just tip it over - he still had to work a bit to get the treats out.
Nina Ottosson toys are great! There are some nice ideas here: Dog Puzzle Toys, although not all of them are suited to small puppies