Hello all...newbie here. My 9 year old Chocolate Lab / Rocco broke his leg and needs a femoral head and neck ostectomy. Are there any complications to consider? Does anyone know what I should expect to pay for this procedure? I'm sure there are lots of variables such as geographical location etc etc....I'm in Southern California so I'm sure I'll be paying top dollar. Thanks!
Hi there, so sorry to hear this! I'' afraid I can't help you with this, having had no experience with it, and I'm not sure that I recall anyone else having had this particular problem. We have had many dogs had surgery for elbow dysplasia or cruciate repair, however, and there is a very helpful thread on how to keep your dog occupies on restricted exercise, you can see that here: http://thelabradorforum.com/threads/things-to-do-for-dogs-on-restricted-exercise.10654/ As to costs of veterinary procedures/surgery, that's a really tough one and I don't think we can help you with that. We have members here from across the globe, and many have insurance which would effect what you pay. But do let us know how your pooch gets along with all this. How did this happen? When is he having the surgery?
Thank you for the kind words and concern. This happened while simply playing with a stray through my fence. He goes in this Wednesday. I'll keep you posted. Thanks again!
After the op, your dog will rely on his muscles within that hip, so he needs to build up the muscle quickly.