Its ok I will be fine just need to clear my head.just need to get a bit annoyed it always helps me climb back up. Some days it's bad but its mostly just normal. It rained so hard here today the inside of my wellies were wet it made me smile I really love rubbish weather
Tipping down with rain today, lots of roads flooded where I live. Took a walk with Benson on the Cotswold way, which was very muddy! Part of the walk edges the Lansdown Golf course, (very posh). So Benson decided why walk a muddy footpath when there is a perfectly good green a few feet away?...yep..humpy back hoolie across the green then having a great time splashing around in one of the bunkers that had flooded. Thank God no-one spotted us or we would have been in soooo much trouble!
We had training tonight. Stanley was actually one of the better dogs. The trainers were really pleased with his improvements. Maybe we will get there
I'm getting creeped out. These days two out of our three daily walks are in the dark. And mostly we are (sigh) tramping around the neighbourhood. Why is it that random streetlights go out at the exact moment I walk underneath them?? This keeps happening...
I pulled out my winter parka today and noticed on my way to work that the bottom is covered in muddy puppy prints. I left them on for the day to remember tiny 3 month old Quinn who would jump up to be picked up if something scared her (laundry tonight!)
Oh my!! This keeps happening to us! Freaks me right out tonight we were walking and each time we got under a light it would turn off. To the point 6 had turned off and the whole street was pitch black. Not like it's bear season or anything
I am so sorry to hear this. Cancer is the bloody worst and I hate that it doesn't discriminate. I really hope that you pull through.
Winter is coming... sloes are currently bubbling away on the stove to be added to gin later - because I don't have the time to wait months for them to do their magic. Yes, it's cheating and no, I don't care