Had to turn down a lab that needed a new home. Sadly it was just at the wrong time. It would be wrong to take him for many reasons but I'm still a bit upset. Head not heart won today but I know it's for the best.
I half wish that someone will appear and offer me an unwanted Black Lab as Rourke seems lonely and it is so quiet with just one dog. But on the other hand life is easier only having to worry about one dog.
His background is a bit dodgy that's why I felt I couldn't have him. It would be fair on Moo. He needs a lot of work.
Someone very wise offered me some advice after Millie died . I had tried and failed to adopt a pal for Sam , and was thinking that maybe I wouldn't bother and she said " Whats meant for you wont run by you " Such true words xx
Holly "Rocket Dog" will be in action tomorrow in the midlands. We're taking her to a rocket launch again so she can help me find my rockets in the crops. She enjoys launches and has a great time walking the farmer's fields. The great thing is that she completely ignores the noise of the rocket launches. At one launch one of my buddies, Chris, shared a whole pastie with Holly. Ever since then she goes potty whenever she sees him. I wonder why?
I think we're currently drowning somewhere near the bottom of that lake. And to top it off, we have obedience trials over the next two weeks I think I'd better make sure the wine fridge is fully stocked...
Does anyone else's dog "play dead" when they don't want to do something? If I say walkies or bed beds to Stanley, and he doesn't want to go he just sort of flops down and goes limp and is like a dead weight so you can't move him It's funny and frustrating in equal measures
Alfie does this when you try and take him out for last wees. Just goes a dead weight on the sofa. Very annoying but very funny
Not Coco. All you have to say is "Does the Dog?" or "Is it Supper-time?" or "Is the Dog hungies-oo-pungies?"** And he's up - attempting to round you up in a rather bungling way. ** stock phrase in our house, meaning "is the dog hungry?"
Generally not, but I remember when we were away on holiday a few years ago I think Lilly was getting fed up of long car trips and voted by just lying down in front of the car and not moving when it was time to go. Wise girl. What OH has in his brain for a "run in the car and a walk with the dog" has a vastly different proportion to walk:car ratio than he actually thinks is happening in his head. Lilly is a tolerant girl.