I'm very proud of Holly. At tea tonight a chip leapt off my plate onto the floor. Holly pounced on it. I said 'WAIT' and she froze with her nose about three inches away from it. Her eyes flickered from me to the chip but she didn't move. I picked it up and put it on the side of my plate. After tea she got the chip as a reward.
Very awkward encounter at work this afternoon. A lady came in to our Drs to order a prescription for her partner. My colleague dealt with her, I had my back to her, doing something else. Then she said "Is SD here?" I spun around, my colleague said "oh, yes". This lady said "She has my Co-co....." we both thought she was saying "co-codamol", but no - it was Coco's original owner. My heart leaped. I stood up to speak to her, she was becoming tearful and saying how she missed him & could she at all possibly see him. I was panicky. I've already said no via Facebook. I had to re-iterate this face-to-face and I felt a real mean bitch, but it wouldn't be right for Coco. I regained composure and said how well he was doing and how grateful I was to be able to adopt him. We had a superficial chat about him. Now I'm really hoping she's not moved to Douglas with this new partner & wants to register at our GPs. It's a very small Island
Oh goodness, Sue, how awkward that must have been. But he's absolutely your Coco and no one else's.... you've had him for such a long time now, that's a very odd thing for her to come back and say after all this time! I'm sure you'll keep your distance. I hope she doesn't become a local.. I know it's a small island, my cousin and family have lived out there for the past 20 years as teachers, and feel they know everyone. My parents had a similar encounter, they rescued a X papillon from Birmingham dogs home. About 6 months later, they were at a market over 25 miles away with the dog, and a chap came up and said 'that's my neighbours dog! They lost him months ago!' He then turned to someone else and they appeared to be trying to get in contact with the owners... few mobiles back then. My parents just scarpered with their dog... they always thought he had maybe just been lost, he was a proper runaway dog off lead... but they adopted him fair and square from the dogs home and gave him a fantastic home travelling to Spain and back for another 12 years. They never went back to that market with the dog
Not very nice of her and a bit creepy. Hope she's leaves you and your dog alone. She gave him up that ship has sailed I hope she respects your wishes and keeps away. So sorry you had to go through this.there's nothing mean about you you're just looking after Coco.
That is very awkward and quite inappropriate for that lady to do that to you. You did the right thing.
Thanks peoples. I had a very interrupted night's sleep last night as she kept popping into my head. Be gone silly woman. I am off out now, with MY dog
So this woman's been pestering you via Facebook and has now escalated to pestering you at work? Keep hold of all the correspondence you've had with her, and document today's encounter in writing. If she continues being a nuisance you want to have as much evidence as possible of her behaviour to show the police. I know that sounds dramatic, but it's best to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. For what it's worth I think you handled her brilliantly. It's so easy to crumble in situations like that but you didn't let her shake you and reiterated what you'd already told her.
To be fair, she's not too much of a pest - she approached me via Facebook 2 years ago, but I put her off gently and she didn't bother again. I do appreciate her heartbreak, but we (Coco & us) have moved on with our own lives. I've still got the original contact message *just in case* though. Had a fab walk in the mist, and we ate cow poo.
I'm sure this poor woman misses your dog terribly but tracking you down as she has does show some instability. Have you informed the police? I'm sure a gentle chat from them would put a stop to this before she goes any further. It must be terribly stressful for you and my heart goes out to you.
I just had the most wonderful walk with the hounds. Met up with W&S's sister Annie for a run-around. I love snowshoeing in the mountains, it's so peaceful. Squidge has abandoned her Kong and is snoring loudly on the sofa. The snow is amazing fun but tiring work for a hippo
Agree, very creepy! Had this with Casper too. It was strange finding out his name was actually Alfie, and a little bit about his life. The saddest thing was the owner describing the last walk, before Casper was surrendered to the pound...knowing that at 5 years old his chances were slim of being re-homed. Then going back a few days later to find out he had gone to a home in England. I can't imagine Casper anywhere else but here, although I empathise with his old family, I would never, ever let them see him again.
I had a lovely walk with Tatze and Zaba this morning then left her at his house. Dogless now - waaaaaah! I hope my boys realise just how much I’m giving up to be with them over Christmas and the New Year!
How very awkward indeed. I find it interesting how she knew you worked there to even ask about you in the first Place???
Sorry but I find this creepy too. I don’t know what her circumstances were in giving up Coco but a level headed person would be just pleased the dog had gone to a good home and left it at that. She lost the right to see the dog when she made the decision to let him go. Common sense would tell you it was not in the dog’s best interests.