Jealous!!! Feeling a little underwhelmed by snow here, we are under red alert but only a couple of inches of powder. I promised Pongo a lovely bouncy snow walk and it can't be done yet...
We have had about 8 inches of a difficult to tell with drifting. The roads are appalling!! Very much lack of gritters and ploughs. I couldn't get to work, nor colleague get to me in her 4x4 to pick me up due to cars and lorries stuck on the Brae. The council cuts I am sure are part of the reason things are worse than they should be (moan moan). Am I right in thinking snow has reached Cornwall? Kate will be gutted she has missed it.
Yep I think it's the worst one for about 5 or 6 years. So cold I've had to wear a coat and half gloves and today I cut short Rory's walk because it was a little chilly. Very pretty though and a buzzard fell out of a tree and nearly landed on me. We were both a bit surprised. we've not had it really had here in Leicestershire. A lot if places have had deep snow.
Oh my days. It's chaos. The news is nothing but snow. Even the foreign minister going for a run in the snow. I mean...
It's pretty bad. The worst part is just the divs who can't cope & can't drive in it. They just make it difficult for everyone else.
December 2010 was shocking. Think it was a white Christmas. The snow came in very late November and didnt really leave all month, it never got warm enough to thaw. I don't think there were actual storms though .
For the first time I didn’t give Red her evening walk yesterday. I had had to go out a bit earlier and it was so grim - the wind chill, the icy paths, drifting snow and slippy roads, the dark - I’m afraid I chickened out . She looked at me as if to say ‘what no walk’, then curled up in her bed and went to sleep so no problem there . All the schools have been closed around here the last two days and lots of farmers are using their tractors to clear the country lanes/roads that are impassable. My almost 96 year old mum is likening it to 1947 - although I think that was weeks of snow - not a week.
My two haven’t had a walk since Monday, as it’s very icy everywhere and like walking on a skating rink. I think I’m feeling it more than they are! They seem happy playing in the garden, then having a snooze, then nudging me for another play. Yesterday I decided to hide their toys in the snow when playing hide and seek and they spent ages rushing around trying to pick up the scent. As I’d buried the toys without leaving an air hole I had to help them eventually. I don’t think they would be much good at mountain rescue!
Against my better judgment I weighed in on a very nasty debate about e-collars on my local dog FB page. There was only one person who was willing to fight the good fight against one very vocal, very bullying advocate of e-collars, and I couldn't let that one person go it alone. You just can't reason with people who believe you can e-collar train away separation anxiety, I mean, wtf? When we know better, we should do better, so why are people so insistent on sticking with outdated methods that have been proven ineffective and psychologically damaging? What good is improved knowledge if we don't use it? I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS. Hopefully the reasoning resonated with the lurkers, that's all you can hope for. And I love this forum so much for having a blanket ban on promotion of punishment collars and the like. Hopefully NZ will soon follow in the tracks of the UK etc and ban the bloody things.
Me too! I shared the desexing dogs/reducing aggression study with some doggy friends. Some found it interesting. Then one person said "ok, it won't affect aggression but what are you going to do with a sex-crazed dog that you can't train?"