This made me look it up on UrbanDictionary. My initial thought was "it's not short for anything", but it turns out I'm not quite right: "Actually originates from prison slang in the UK. A job often given to the lowest inmates was to put cardboard dividers into boxes. Someone given this job was a 'divider' or a 'div'. Now used as an insult to those who display stupidity." I don't think calling someone a "divider" would have the same effect, though
A guide died here yesterday in an avalanche whilst preparing the mountain for the Freeride World Tour. So sad
That's incredibly sad. You're out there, making it safe for others, and die yourself It's hard when death hits a small community, because even if you don't know the person personally you're only separated from them by a degree or two.
God, it's terrifying out there. I went up the hill for a couple of hours and they had closed one of the runs - there had been a big avalanche and they didn't know if anyone was caught up in it, so they had all the machines, dog teams and people probing. It's surreal when it's on a bit of mountain I have skied countless times and we're on a chair lift going over the top of it. It's not just about volume of snow, it's about how the temperature has varied over the season, as it creates layers of different consistency within the snow pack. When you get heavy snow fall, or very humid snow, falling on top of a crust layer, it is SO dangerous because it takes nothing to make it slip. They have been blasting so much over the last few days but can't get everything when it's like this.
My dog, my lovely dog, Coco, ate poo this morning He IS a cat poo snaffler, but this looked for all the world like dog poo, a large dollop in the gutter. He sniffed it, as he often does, and I said "Leave it Coco, it's dirty". I always say this when he sniffs poo and he always just trots on. Today he grabbed it. I tried another "LEAVE", as he bolted it down. Horrified!
DH reports that Sky did too on their walk this morning. She managed to get her muzzle off and whilst he was retrieving it, she gobbled a load of dog poo . He came in saying he was not best pleased with her as I won’t be if she is ill later.
One of our local dogs is on a no-protein diet (she is intolerant of protein since she was poisoned several years ago) and my girls started eating her poo. Like most, she is just released onto the mountain to go to toilet and it doesn't get cleaned up - sigh. I only know it's hers because they were pretty much snarfling down as it came out the other week! We've done some proofing on "leave" since then. I'm really not bothered about them eating sheep or wild boar poo, but dog poo - eugh!
Yep Moo tried yesterday maybe it's the cold and they just fancy a warm meal? I doing house work. Rory's helping that just means galloping about with things in his mouth,and hiding them under the TV unit. I got rid of loads of old dog toys and balls that are surplus. He ran about and had a great time he's so funny. He's just having a nap now housework is very tiring. Poor Rory he works so hard.
Not at all dog related, but this made me laugh. We have allocated parking spaces in our underground garage. Saturday morning, this car just had a passive-aggressive "this isn't your spot" note on it. Every time I go past, it's getting less passive, more aggressive....