So it turns out both of Stanleys day care places require male dogs to be neutered by around the age of 1. We hadn't made a decision as to whether we were going to get him done but now it looks like we'll have to. Is this pretty standard practice?
We had a walk round the block today, me carrying Mollie to look at all the sights, I work Tuesday afternoon so can't do a proper shopping centre type training walk. We met another Mollie! (also with and ie not a y) she was a gorgeous wire haired terrier and very well behaved. Mollie was calm and just observed. We saw three dogs, a library van, lots of cars, a man with a stick, a woman in a burka and a truck. My arms are aching! ...
Yes, we found the same. Our day care place said that it was a condition of their insurance. We did manage to get an exemption, however. We spoke to Pongo's breeder and asked for help; she sent us an email letter saying that he represented some old and valuable bloodlines and that she would be keen to breed from him when he was older (say around three years or so). On that basis, the day care centre were prepared to take him, on condition that he didn't demonstrate any behavioural issues (humping etc). That all worked very well until earlier this year, when he did get "over-excited" with another dog. By this time we were getting uncomfortable with the day care set-up anyway, they had become far too busy and reducing their staff oversight so it was becoming a rather unhealthy place; so we withdrew Pongo at that stage and found an alternative. (He now goes to local kennels for the day when necessary - I was worried that he wouldn't like that, but in fact he loves it....shows how much I know....)
Yep. My entire dog doesn't go to day care. I wouldn't send him even if he was neutered though - I looked and looked for day care places and never found one that I thought provided a good environment for dogs.
Yes, it is pretty standard. But the one I found said as long as he doesn't have any behavioural issues then they would let him continue coming. They said he has a wonderful temperament and there are no issues so they are fine with it.
Next time I have a mince pie...I must remember to wash my hands first...especially after giving the dogs tripe sticks....UGH!!!!!
I've just been making sardine biscuits for our dog club Christmas party this evening. I like cooking for dogs - it doesn't matter what they turn out looking like!
We did egg and spoon races at our dog Christmas party, only with tennis balls instead of eggs. You had to have your dog on lead and hold the lead in the same hand as the spoon. I thought Molly was good at heel -apparently not when there's a tennis ball just above her nose. Bounce, bounce, bounce. (That was Molly and the ball.)
I've just decided to have a labrador themed birthday next year in the hopes my husband might buy a puppy
Our office finally woke and got all excited about Christmas it wad so nice. They want Rory to come in in an elf costume