Ella did another sloppy poo this morning She's seems OK in herself but we'll keep her on the electrolytes and sensitive tummy food and I'll keep watching her every move. Right now she's asleep on the couch next to me while I'm trying to get some work done. It's fair to say I need the windows open though... The air in here is getting a little ripe
Well, this arrived a day too late. Poor Axel. Hoping he doesn't need surgery from eating his cone and the string to tie the cone. But I snapped a picture, I think his look says it all. 'How embarrassing, mom'
Aw, bless him! He'll be a lot more comfortable now! I really think it helps to spend some time before the surgery, getting a dog desensitised as much as possible to a cone or collar, so it's not so much of a shock to them, especially after an already stressful event.
The Labrador Forum : the only place where I can come to celebrate the fact that my dog just did a solid poo!
It's always a cause for celebration in our house too I have photos of his poos to show the vet. if anyone steals my phone they will be traumatised.
Yes, I wish I had done that. Or researched more comfortable cone options before he got one Oh well, what's done is done. But I stole your training technique with Luna and the harness. Axel thought this new cone was a play toy so I used treats to get him to put his head through the hole a bunch of times. Worked like a charm!
Axel had breakfast this morning followed with a very small solid poop. Don't know if I should be happy or more worried. He's very bouncey. Was super excited to eat. Currently playing with his toys. Hasn't touched his water yet but I'm wondering if it's due to wet food, so he's not going to get as thirsty.
Hahaha. I was going through old pictures with my family of when Axel was 9 weeks old, when a disgusting picture of Axel's diarrhea with blood popped up
OH asked why I didn't buy him raisins...I responded, 'they were not on sale, I will get them next week'...his response was "you just bought the dog $25 chews she doesn't need and more treats and you won't buy raisins!?"....dog things have no price limit
I'm so proud of Xena. She put her muddy paws on a Mormon missionary's nice black trousers. If they'd just kept cycling past me it would have been fine, but noooo, they had to stop and start to bloody proselytise...while I'm out on a trail walking my dog. Of course I apologised because I'm not a sausage, but inside I was as proud as punch.
Well, I thought maybe I could buy one just just to stop the ball chucker being so exciting But then I imagined if Ella spotted someone with one in the park I wonder how loud they are? Surely not as loud as a dummy launcher so maybe a good stepping stone for some?