I have a list of jobs I need to do before leaving this house in Cornwall. I have hoovering down twice and "wash walls" as one of the last things on the list.
And I assume that's after the dogs are already in the car? One tiny step into the clean house and all of your hard work will be ruined!
Hehe, I already arranged with the owner that I will pay the cleaning fee so I don't have to go to extremes to leave it in rentable condition. I'm leaving at 6am. I'm not that crazy
I had a lady compliment me on Willow earlier today; she was struggling with her huge, obviously young, Lab who was jumping around at the end of his lead like a lunatic. Willow went to say hi (very unlike her), so I blew my stop and then recalled her. The lady said "wow, you look like you know what you're doing!". I would have stopped for a chat and pointed her towards the forum if I didn't have a whirling dervish of a puppy at the end of a lead at the time
So Bella has decided that lying down in the middle of the road during our walks is appropriate. She just stops walking and plops down lying where she sees fit (usually in the middle of the road). She does this at any given time, 5 mins into our walk or 45 mins, makes no difference to her. Anyone have any idea why she's doing this? It's driving me crazy!
Stanley went to his new daycare today. He seemed to have a nice day and I got sent lots of pics of his activities throughout the day. Fingers crossed it's a winner. The only issue is his hunping.. he keeps humping other dogs. I'm not really sure what to do? He never does it in the house so I can re-direct him from anything. Whenever he does it to a dog I take him away, but his daycare has mentioned it. Any suggestions?
While walking Holly today she was trotting along about 20m in front of me, sniffing things along the track with her tail up and wagging. It made me realise how much joy she gets from simple things like a walk, and how much I enjoy seeing her happiness.
Saw someone leaning over their Rhodesian Ridgeback, CM-style, after an altercation at the beach earlier. Poor dog throwing loads of appeasement signals at his silly owner. Meanwhile, 16-week old Luna was getting handfuls of roast pork for practicing her free stack with the distraction of other dogs. A lovely owner of a GR walked past, beaming at us and rolling her eyes at the other woman. I know which dog I'd rather be.
Out with Molly this afternoon, a Jack Russell came up to me and wee-d up my leg! The owner laughed and said it was because I was standing still. I know everyone's dog does something naughty sometimes, but an apology would have helped.
We passed a field today, low wall, with 2 dogs and walker on the opposite side, say 75 yards away. Coco looked, but was able to concentrate on me and he didn't bark or lunge. He walked on, when asked, without looking back. I am on cloud 9.
Recently I met a woman walking a Weimaraner, which kept jumping up at me and trying to mug my pocket. The owner asked if I had treats, and when I said yes, said "well there you are then". I felt like it was me who was meant to apologise for having treats in my pocket rather than her for having a dog she couldn't control .
This happens to me all the time! So annoying...I always have random dog slobber on my coat and a trail of dogs following me around. I sometimes wonder if I'm the only dog owner that carries treats anymore...
Perhaps it's the quality of treats. I carry all sorts if foul smelling exotica and I very often have a tail of eager dogs following me.
I'm considering buying a retractable leash. Xena is generally pretty good off lead. If she's close to me (a metre or so) and she sees people I'm actually able to get her to walk past these people without putting on the lead. I mark and reward and it's all good. But...if she's a few metres ahead of me and she spots the people then she'll bolt off to greet them and I'm usually too slow to stand on the long line. I know this is a training failure on my part but I'm wondering whether a retractable lead might be a good idea during her young, exuberant phase? I keep telling myself that I manage to prevent the self rewarding *most* of the time, but maybe it's still too much? Plus today the dog gods must have been smiling on me. I spotted people before Xena did so leashed her up. Thank DOG I did because the lady had two incredibly aggressive dogs (she was walking them on lead) - if Xena had spotted them she would have run up to them and I shudder to think what would have happened. We were on an off lead trail so it was incredibly irresponsible of this owner to walk her aggressive dogs there in the first place. And they were only on flat collars, I was terrified they were going slip them and come charging after Xena. A retractable might help in situations like that, because Xena just wants to be every dog's best friend and I do my best to not allow her to run up to dogs but that doesn't always work. It would be so much easier to be like most dog owners and just not care.
We have a retractable lead for Ella as there are very few places that we can walk her off lead. Most of the time it's fantastic and gives her the freedom to stop/sniff/catchup/run ahead a little etc. However, you need to be able to recall without using the lead as: 1. You have hardly any lead control when they are between 3 and 5 metres from you. Even if you press the little button to lock the lead, the only way you could move them away from something/someone would be to walk the other way and drag them with you (even though the dog is still 3+ metres from you). 2. If you're not paying enough attention (and let's face it, we all drift off from time to time ) and the dog starts to run towards something, they can get to a pretty high speed by the end of the 5 metres. At this point, the lead will lock, and you will risk injury to yourself and the poor dog! So, the short answer is, yes we really like our retractable lead and use it frequently. However, if we're in a situation where we're worried about Ella's excitement level and our ability to get her attention, we'll often use the normal lead instead. Hope that helps!
Very helpful, thanks Emily. I've been thinking about it all afternoon and I think I'm going to have to suck up the cost (they're expensive!) and buy one. It'll probably help me relax too. Recall varies depending on the situation Which type did you buy?