I`ve had a wonderful day ! One of my own walks has been closed off to us for ages , something about road werks ? Well , today, Mummy and Daddy took me and Nell to my old place and I showed Nell the deerie bit where its great cos you can really smell them . I got so excited , I could have been sick , but Nell didn't seem to smell them at all , she just messed about , she doesn't take it seerius like I do . We didn't see a deer today , but I shall go to sleep happy , we might see one tomorrow Nell , then you might understand what your nose is for ! Sam x
I ve had a rubbish weekend!! Mum and dad have been doing something called painting so I had to stay behind the gate . Mum says we are going to move to a house with a bigger garden but first we need to make the house nice for buyerrrrs first. I m not sure about this moving malarchy i like it where I am thank you very much. My bed and sofa are here!!
My mum and dad moved two summers ago. They did lots of paintingandcleaning too, and it was really boring. then we got to the new house and they did it all over again. I don't understand people. One good thing from moving was that i got my very own woods and stream. it must be mine because i dont see any other dogs there except for Ted.
Mum is home! She's been gone for ages and ages and ages. She's been looking after her Mum and staying in somewhere called Kent which is so far away she can't come home for dog walks. Dad has been looking after me but he isn't very good and has to keep himself tied to me with the lead in case he gets lost, it's a bit boring but I think I have to look after him for Mum. He also gave me all the wrong dinners, so it was a bit strange, Mum got really cross when she came home cos he'd put my raw biscuit mix out for me to eat instead of my turkey mince (I wouldn't have minded really, I'll eat anything ). Mum said she's missed all the Fred's on the forum, I hope she hasn't missed Fred more than she's missed me . I was a super good boy when Mum took me for a walk today, I came back every time she blew the whistle or called me - Dad said I was lulling her into a false sense of security and would be back to normal soon - Not nice Dad, I might always be a good boy now . I loves having my Mum home.
A wood all of your own!! All your own fox poo!! That sounds amazing! My mum says I m going to get a new big garden and a utility room so I wont shake mud on the walls in the new house (not sure what she means by that last part)
I like my woods. Dad says there's sikswaremiles of fields and woods which is a lot. It has bogs and poo and deer and the occasional person on offasdikpath who says hello to me. The path to the woods goes along a stream which is all mine.
It rained all day today. So did not play in the garden during the day at all. Went for a walk tonight, but very windy. I did not really enjoy it, I barked at trees, bushes , and shadows. Daddy said I was a scaredy cat. Don't like the sound of that. I don't like cats. But I walked very good and did not say hello to a dog walking past. Now I am very tired and going to sleep...
Was in the kitchen, doing nuttin...and then got attacked by a beeeg bakin tray....I was skared but brave..so I attacked it back..sum nice stuff fell out of it into my mouth! So I forgot to be skared.. Bramble
Mummy has been having words with me and Nell about tomorrow . Mums sister is coming tomorrow , and she doesn't like dogs , Mum isn't like her at all , Mummy loves dogs , all dogs but her sister isn't nice . Nell hasn't met her yet , but I have , she screams if I go too close to her cos she says she doesn't want my beautiful hair on her cashmeercat jumper ! Mummy has been using that sucking up thing , and the stuff she sprays on the furnicher , it smells nice but she doesn't do it very often . I think I might tell Nell to jump on the sisters nee , with dirty feet from the garden , then she might not come again , Mummy is stressed , Sam x
I'm 3 today. Mum says I'm a big, grown-up boy now I'm 3. Dad says I'm ONLY 3 and I'm a puppy learning to be good. - Coco
dad took me to the forest this morning. We had nice sniffy walk then played swimmy fetch at the dog dip. I met a yellow lab called Toby who couldnt swim.
The squeaker came today she wasn't too squeely thankfully. She didn't smack me on the bum either I've learnt to ignore her like Moo told me. We had a lovely walk. Solomon came and Mick. I love Mick she's so nice I love ladies. I love everyone even beardy . I had my tea and am all cosy nap time źzzzzzzzzzz
Ive just found a fantastic bog. Its at the edge of one of my swimmy fetch ponds. I hadnt noticed it until i went mooching today. Its lovely and deep and gloopy! Dad was very impressed when i came back so dirty and rewarded me with a game of swimmy fetch.
I have an ouchy tail Mum says it's from swimmin' but it can't be cuz I love swimmin' so much and it must love me back. I know it wouldn't hurt me! Willow
I found a way to stop Mum working when she should be spending time wiv me! The trick is to lay down on the cable and eversosneakily have a little nibble. After a little while, she had to shut her tappy box because there was no more juice. Haha, I didn't even know tappy boxes ran on juice! It must have all leaked out the hole in the cable. Luna