I went to the Bum Man this morning. 'Cept she was a lady. And she had no interest in my very handsome bum. I tried to re-arrange the waiting room . Then we sat down and I earned cheeze. We played "don't mug". I don't get cheeze often and boy oh boy I do like it. The Bum-Man-Lady said I was soooooo handsome. And she gave me a pink treat. - Coco
What is a kangaroo, Ella? I don't think we have those here. This was a deer skull, Mum says. But I don't know why it would be expensive, it was really old and dirty. Maybe it was that vintidge thing. Luna
Coco I have been really good so far on holidays. Well apart from today as I found a dried out shark. I ranandranandran with it. Daddy said it is a gummy shark and he knew why I wanted it...it still some of the cartilage in it. See I get a small piece each day, but this one had a really big one in it. But I was to slow...I had to rub myself on it first. So I think I will be a goody three paws for now.. I am glad your bum lady was good to you...I always like my bum lady (apart from when she sticks that thing in me)
I rubbished my bed I didn't mean too. Ging says she's got no money to waste on me and my weirdo habits and its cold kitchen tiles for me. She told me this as I sat on the sofa. The sofa is lovely. Rory
Its fine she took me on a special taxi into the country today we had a fab time. She loves me I can do not wrong I just had tea and now it's nap time. I've had a fine afternoon. What do you mean we can't afford after dinner chews anymore cos we're saving for a new bed? What is saving? Maybe if I look cute and wag my tail? No? Apparently taxis to the country and new beds aren't cheap.
Mummy and daddy have been away for a really really long time, like years! I gots to stay with my best friend liv and Doggy daycare lady and nana and grandad. I didn't like it at first but then it got better. But this morning there was a knock at the door and it was MUMMY!!! And I jumped on her and she laughed. And today she's cooking me a chicken and I have new toys. I'm sitting on her a lot and watching her close to make sure she doesn't go away again. Stanley
Stanley, that sounds like the best day EVER! Mine were both out this evening and it seemed like years, but they too came back. - Coco
My mum has decided I can't be on the furniture anymore. She says it's rude to invite ourselves places, so I'm supposed to wait for an invitation or play on the floor. So what I like to do is sneak up so she won't know I'm there. I'm not sure how, but she always knows when I'm sneaking.
I couldn't help myself. I was all excited cuz dad was putting his shoes on & I thought we might be going to school, but they went out without me. I was still excited so I chewed mum's sunglasses. She shouldn't have left them there anyway. She came back 5 minutes later (without dad - she's left him at the pub ??) and she wasn't happy. She waved them at me...not sure if I was supposed to take them again...but I decided discretion was the better part of valour and declined the offer. I don't know why I did it, they didn't taste nice, you can't actually eat them, it was all so pointless. Feeling stupid now. - Coco
Oo oo I know all the money went ging spent it on dried tripe we had a nice man delivered a huge box full of super crunchy divine smelling tripe. Me and Moo had some just it was lovely. Ging says there's 3kgs I don't know what that means but it must be good. The dog cupboard is full of tripe
Rory, you are so lucky!! I love tripe sososo much but I haven't had any in a long time. I think I will wander around whining a bit to show I want tripe. Quinn
I am back from holiday. So good to be back, but I really enjoyed my holiday too. Will get Daddy to post some pictures. Vanilla