Deer poo is smashing, Mum says I bring it back stuck to my teeth . I must admit I did have a bit of a squitty tummy this morning. Ripple
Cats? Rabbits? Rabbits? Cats? What's the difference? They all need chasin' I am your man! I chased a rabbit that wasn't even there this morning. Mum swore. Bad. - Coco
I am SO jealous of all the yummy poo you get. We have none of this. I am currently eating seagull poo. It's horrible, but I feel a duty to eat it. - Coco
Nana took me on a walk yesterday and there was lots of horse poo. Ohhhh delicious horse poo! Nana said "Stanley! We are not in a picnic - stop eating the poo!". So I rolled in it instead Stanley
I've never tried seagull poo. You make it sound very yeeeugh so I'm not sure that I want to try it. Holly
Stanley! My Hero. Had to laugh - at school, there was loads of hors poo - we are in a hors arena, I didn't touch it, but my friend Alaska got stuck in so much, that her dad tried to bury it all, but humans are rubbish at this, so my neighbour, Fly, tried to eat it too, but he got into big trouble. I've kind of gone off hors poo. I like it really fresh & warm. Outside the door there is a "midden" - all the poo you can eat . - Coco
I am so jealous, you all seem to have an abundance off poo flavours. All I find is dried out cat poo and even that is getting harder to find. Only time I find quality poo is on holiday...I miss them
I KNOW RIGHT? CATS ARE THE BEST! Mum found a funny picture on the facebook this morning and laughed and laughed and said it was just like me and Daisy. I don't get it? - Xena
Poooooooo!! Different poos is good for different things. Fox and badger poo for rollin', bunny poo for huntin' and nibblin', cat poo for slappin' with my big puppy paws (I don't know why but it's funny). Calf poo for entering piggy-heaven So sweet and delectabubble.
I went to work with with my mom yesterday..we went were the poorly hoomans go. A poorly hooman said hello...then ran off...two more hoomans called him..but he didn't come back. So, maybe hoomans don't have very good recall. I am a good boy Casper...
I was a brave pig yesterday and played swimmy fetch and my leggies got off the bottom. I did it on holidays too except a big scary fat man jumped in and made a big noise and I wouldn't go in after that. So anyway I put my brave swimmy-pig pants on and tried again. And I was having good fun and was a happy slippery water-pig but then as I was swimming SOMETHING TOUCHED MY LEG and ohmygod sharkjellyfishSEAMONSTER! So I leapt half way out the water and panicked and snorted and wiggled and swam as fast as I could back to the bank and that's it for my swimming now, never again. Sea monsters love to nibble on tasty little pigs like me. The sea monster got my ball too because I was too scared to go back to get it and then some geese came to gloat I even jumped into the car when it was time to go home and I really hate the car but slightly less than I hate sea monsters. Love, the land-pig x
You are a very brave pig for doing swimmy fetch at all. My mum said I did when I was a little moo but I don't remember it and don't believe her. I'm very much a four paws on the bottom sort of dog. I believe there are definitely absolutely scary sea monsters out there so you were right to get out quick!!!! You can still frolic like a pretty pig in the shallow end, you would look very pretty love Monty moo xxx
Oh Pig! I would have got you ball back for you. I am big & brave and I will chase the sea monsters away for you, all day. Talking of poo - I found a huge pile of hors poo in the middle of the road. Fresh. I had 2 goes at it. It was gorgeous. Mum put her foot down at the squashed (but fresh) rat though, "LEAVE it Coco, it's dirty" - Coco
I know ging eats poo because she had hors derves at a swanky party. I think the monkeys have been stealing it and hiding it from us all this time luckily I've seen through their web of lies Moo
Mmm...I definitely think there is something in the air. My Spike exploded today....better look after Mr Humpycushion, Holly
Sorry to hear about Spike. I'll carry Mr Humpycushion everywhere with me to make sure that he doesn't explode.