We did go and I had to share my car with a new lady she thought I was lovely and gave me cuddles. We had a lovely walk but I'm so tired. We went miles and ginger had her stompy stroppy boots on so we went at top speed. On the way home I saw a teeny dog my head was bigger than him. He wee'd by doing a hand stand he was funny. I liked him we made friends he was a nice teeny dog. Sleepy now. Rory
I got paystree today. It's so nice. When mum makes pie, there's always lots of spare paystree, she leaves the crust hanging over the plate. There's still some left - dad will give me some on my trout supper. I might even get some in the morning too - if I'm good. Mmm...paystree. - Coco
I did a Clever. I was playing with my ball like a good pig in the living room (all my best stories start this way) and mum was cooking in the kitchen. And she opened the Poh-tay-toe drawer where she keeps the Poh-tay-toes and Unyuns. But then she got distracted and went into the fridge instead and LEFT THE POHTAYTOE DRAWER OPEN! So I sneaked and weasled myself over to the drawer and by the time she'd stopped looking in the fridge I was innocently playing in the living room again. And then she looked in the pohtaytoe drawer and saw THIS IMG_3683 by Lara Maister, on Flickr and I had done cunning swapsies with my chewy orange ball and there I was in the living room playing with my very own pohtaytoe i didn't think mum would notice because my chewy orange ball and a pohtaytoe don't look much different but I think mum might be able to see more colours than me. But anyway that is the story of how for a few minutes I had my very own pigtaytoe like I always dreamed of
Little piggy you left evidance don't ever evi edance. Next time take the tatoe and the ball that way. If they don't see they don't know Moo still hiding the evidence after all these years
Oops! I DID get paystree for breakfast - but I could see there was still some left, on top of the cooker. I was SO quiet, I tried to reach it. I think it was the quiet that alerted dad. "COCO WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" - I didn't manage to reach any. AND I've just had to watch mum wrap the rest up and put it in the bin. I have noticed the bin isn't locked though. Shhhhh. I've stored that info. - Coco
Play it cool, Coco. When the time is right, sneak and weasle up to the bin. But don't be too sneaky and weasley because they notice that sort of thing. If all else fails, go for the 'oops my ball fell in the bin I'll just get it out' trick. Try to do a big poo in the garden first so they are out picking it up, gives you more weasling time. I'm quite good at this sort of thing.
Coco - recently I am getting caught all the time doing things too. Apperantly I walk proud and tall and very very quiet. I used to run, but they stopped me. Mmmm what to do. Any Ideas anyone? Vanilla
Pig, you are so clever and wise. You have plans for things, I don't, when I see something good I just have to have it now! Mum says I have no impulzcontrolll
If you are big and strong you don't need impulzcontrol because if anyone gets in the way you can knock them over I am only a small pig so I have to scheme and weasel mostly. I cried and sulked on the doormat yesterday to make mum think I needed a wee and let me out. Then I ran straight to the bottom of the garden where all the fun purple balls are attached to sticks and grabbed one. Mum said 'NoPiggyNotThePLUMSagain!!!' But she couldn't do anything about it because I'd already had a zoomie and 'sploded the purple ball on the carpet. Pigs like balls and sticks very much especially when the balls are juicy. Love, the Pig.
We don't have those lovely purple balls any more, so I just have to pick the apples (when I can get to the trees, as we're only allowed undersupervision). There just seems to be a stump where the lovely purple ball tree used to be and I heard mum say something about "dizeezed", but then "at least the dogs can't get the plums now." Wispa
Yesterday was such a good day! When I woke up my whole family snuggled and petted me and said I had been there two whole months and they couldn't believe it. I don't know how they couldn't believe it because they came and GOT me, but the snuggling was so nice that I didn't say so. And then all day I got special things to play with and eat and do! I did get in a bit of trouble because I ate part of a zipper on my boy's backpack (he's ten years old--if you don't have a ten-year-old boy you should get one!). I thought he was upset with me because he was making frowny faces and then his face started shaking and then he started laughing and said, "Honey, please don't eat my backpack!" and I thought it was so nice that he said please that I did not chew on his backpack again. (I picked up his shoe instead, but he said we should go play outside, and that was way more fun than chewing on a shoe!) And then my mum came home and loved and snuggled me and told me how I am a perfect dog and then she gave me a frozen baked sweet potato which is my FAVORITE and then she did clicking food with me and THEN I got to go to sleep on the mum and dad bed!
Hoooman beds are the best! Honey, I wish I had a ten year old. I borrowed a six year old this week but he's a bit squeaky still. He also goes 'wawawawa' if i chew his toys, but he leaves them lying on the floor, so that makes them mine too! He can chew my kong if he likes...
Oh Monty you should definitely get a ten year old! I've never had a six year old but ten year olds play a lot, and snuggle, and have fun things to chew on. My boy used to leave things on the floor but he doesn't now. I hope your six year old chewed your kong. They're much better than zippers.
Me and Nelly Belly only got one poxy walk today , the sky was doing that banging and flashing thing , so Mummy said it was too dangerus to go out in . Then Mummy said norty words, because the lectric went off and she was cooking , then she said even more norty words because they couldn't have a cup of tea . Why do hoomans drink tea ? She cud have had some of my water, if she wanted to. if she was so firsty , Sam x
Sam, sam, the bangyflashy stuff happened here too! But I'm brave so i just pretended to be asleep. Mum said i might have a rest day today but i gave her a very hard stare for a long time (we watched padingtun bear and i learnt this from him) so i got my walk after all. But only round the streets so we were close to home for scaredy mummy. Boring.
There's been no bangy flashy stuff here! It's sunny. I got a walk with daddy and then a walk with mummy. I rolled in fox poop on both. Gots to treat them equal! Stanley
Oh I would LOVE a ten year old - there is a little lady near me..she might be 10. She's ace. She asked if she could pet me - of COURSE, young lady. She's lovely. I wish we could take her home. Mum n dad don't really like the little-uns, but I really really WANT ONE! - Coco
I got one thats 6 it's proper squeeky sometimes. its gings friends little monkey. It annoys Moo but she usually takes charge of it. I like to lick it squeals it's head off then. Its snuggly after a walk though. I definately think you should get one Coco. Rory with kisses from Moo