I've been quiet for a while. Mummy's not been well and daddy's been too busy to turn on the tappy thing. Daddy's taken me on some great walks. We started going through all the walks in my book. I like to do this to check them out and make sure that they're still good enuff for my pals. My BF Ted has a whole tree to play with. His people cut it down and gave him bits. Yesterday he was trying to run off with the whole trunk but it was bigger than him. We've been sploring in the forest again. We found a small path and followed it. Some deer ran away from us. Dad said its the kind of path where we could end up surrounded by angry dwarves and nose-to-nose with a dragon. He says weird stuff like this sometimes - I just look away and pretend to sniff something. Today I found a bog that was really gloopy and black and zoomied through it. Dad said that I looked as if I'd been dipped in choklat. I met some nice ladies and wanted to show them my new mud but they ran away screaming. People are funny sometimes.
Holly so soz yore Mummie not well, hope she pix up soon. At leest yoo hav bin on walks, that's gud, I did retreevin yestaday, it was fun, luv Cass.
Well yes Holly tis reelly, you can do it in water, but yestaday I was in long grass and fistles on a liitle hill, up and down, up and down and I had too reelly fink about it, I luvved it
Uh oh. I'm in solitary again. I licked the lamb mummy was putting in the slow cooker Mummy sent me to my bed and was muttering about how she's going to have to remember which bit I licked to give that bit to daddy. She said I was going to get some but now I'm not she's lying.. surely? I'll just try and be really really good all day and hope she forgets. Stanley
Don't worry guys I got some lamb! And roast potatoes and a Yorkshire pudding and graveee! Have you ever had a Yorkshire pudding? They're the best best best! Mummy says they would make good training treats for me cos I love them so much! Stanley
She's does. well mine does mmmmm they didn't look like biscuits but she said she baked em and laughed. She really is confusing sometimes Rory
Oh dear my tummys bad - I sicked in my bed and I have to keep telling Mum I need to go out for a poo . Mum said 'your fault Ripple, your fault'. Don't know why Mum thinks that . Ripple
Ripple, mate, you really need to leave the dog poo. It's a disgusting habit. I love cat poo - now THAT'S tasty. - Coco
I had the best weeknd ever......I gots to go to mom and dads frends coddage with mom and dad, and there were 2 uver dogs to play with for 3 whole dayz!! A 7 year old dog who looked like me but was brown, and I don't no what the udder one was but he had a blue tung. He prubly ate to many blueberries? We played and ran so much, did tons of zoomies and played lots of swimmy fetch (no sea munsters to report). I didn't have my leash on atall and I weally listned when mom and dad called me. I'm such a good gurl! I was soooooo tired yesturday....
Guess what ? My big bruvver is brave , well most of the time he is brave , he isn't scared of anything loud and bangy, he isn't scared of crashing or the hoover or the thing that cuts the grass but he is scared of flies , silly boy ! If one comes into the room, he runs outside , I think Labradors are a bit complex , Nell xx
We went for a really long walk today with my hooman sister, Mum said it was the Fife coasting parf. We stopped half way for chiippies but I wasn't aloud any chiippies, but my hooman sister bought me an ice cream , even tho' I sicked in my bed! Mum just went . Then I did swimmin in the sea. Mum said 'I'll be lucky if I don't have to get up in the night' . Ripple
That Tuppence Creature did a silly thing today. We were walking on our leads by the overflow pond by a small lake, sniffing the duck poo, and suddenly she jumped in. The water was nearly up to the top of her back and I don't know who was more surprised, TTC or mum! She was rather smelly when mum pulled her out, but mum was pleased with me because I'd been so sensible and not jumped in too. I think we're both in mum's bad books this evening, though, cos she can't sit on her favrit sofa... Wispa