i went on a Big Journey. I went on the train all the way to Douglas. It took ages. Mum & dad brought sammidges and I sat so nicely I got some sammon sammidge. It was exciting at first, I stuck my head out of the window and smelled all sorts of delectable smells.....but then I began to feel horrible. The train-box-thing bounced and rocked and it made me feel yucky. I had to curl up on the seat(!) and grin and bear it while dad stroked me. Then we got off and I felt better - we walked up and down next to boats. There was lots of dog-wee to sniff. Sorry - I pulled on my lead. It was SO exciting. Mum n dad found a different seat in a different box-thing to go home and it was a bit better, but I was so tired. I slept half the way on dad's knee! Then I woke up and stuck my head out again. I am Coco the Adventurer. - Coco
Mum made me krispy chikken skin for my treats today . I did some reelly reelly good retrieves and got loads. The cat was waitin for chikken skins but she didn't do any retrieves so she didn't get any, and I didn't chase her so I got even more chikken skins . Ripple
@drjs@5 Lilly I drankanddrankanddrank and constantly went for a wee, but no poops until daddy got home. I think I got it all out as I heard Daddy say 'some smelly stuff little girl'. We ended up going for a late walk last night. Apparently we are going to school again tonight. I not sure yet as there is no play with all the other dogs....
https://www.boredpanda.com/pug-moch...facebook&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=SMARTLY Every single one of these reminds me on me and Stanners
Nelly has been groomed , and look like an explosion in a mattress factory So pleased that I don't have long flowing hair like she does , flippin pompom , Sam x
How much trouble do you think you would be in if you found a soggy glove in the garden and dumped it in your mums bowl when she was eating? Asking for a friend.. Stanley
Nearly in as much trouble as if you steal like a ninja into a local hotel and steal a kilo if uncooked streaky bacon from a bin and the sick the whole lit up on a kitchen floor........yes it was me and I totally don't care Moo the hormonally resurrected hell beast
That is not good Rory. You been in a bush that you should not have? Hopefully you don't need to see bum man John
Had a lovely walk this morning. We went to some new woods for a walk, then dad met some friends who did jolojy and stared at rocks. We walked around with them looking at rocks. They were very nice and fussed me and shared their snacks. They even picked blackberries for me. It was nice to have e long walk in the woods with three people making a fuss of me.
Rory, if you have ouchies with your eyes and Bum-man John still tries to put something up your bum, I think Bum-man John has a Problem. Stay vigilant. And make sure he doesn't milk you like the bum-lady did to me. I think they are not right in their heads sometimes. Love, the Pig x
He left my bum alone today pig phew! He poked me in the eyes though. Weird bloke. He laughed at ging cos she's got to put stingers in my eyes good luck ging hope doesn't try to milk me I haven't got boobies guess what though we came back on the bus cos ging was tired not me obviously I love the bus . I was really good all the way home and then we played ball on the park but i went a bit far away but did a massive run back ging was so happy with me. it's not been too bad despite having to go to see bum Man John and ging is having chips for supper so paws crossed I love chips. Rory
I went to a staybell today to see hosses. Don't like hosses. Played with pheasants instead....like pheasants! So I ranandranandran!!! Oh I don't my hooman was very happy....
Oh Bramble (Bramble?) you have to be good for your hooman becuz then you get lotsandlots of lovely nommers. When we wuz out wiv Mum, some nasty doggies came close and I wanted to chase them away but then I heard Mum's pip-pip-pip noise so I came runrunrunrunRUNning back a fast as I could, bringing the girls wiv me and we got loads of lovely treats AND you'll never guess what - got to chase ballies from the blue chucker thing. Not boring sit-still-and wait-to-be-told like always, proper chasing from the chucker because we were soooooooo good! AND THEN Bramble, we were walking back and we heard a pip-pip-pip noise that wasn't from Mum because she was right there and I knew from the sound it was Dad's pip-pip-pip noise, so we went runrunrunrunRUNning to find him and when we DID find him, he had CHIKKIN for our dinner! Oooooh, it was deeeeelishus! So, Bramble, you have to be good for your hooman because then you get to play chase with a chucker and you get to have chikkin for dinner! Shadow
Everyone likes norty girls. Being good is for lossers. You go Bramble. I'm sure theres a pile of human poo out there with you name on it Moo