Yesterday my mumsie had to take me out in the garden lots of times as my tummy huurrtt and I had squitty poos. I cried when I was in my crate and mumsie came rushing downstairs to take me out yet again. I saw Sky asleep in her cosy bed. I love Sky. I was a good girl and went back in my crate for a long sleep. I heard mumsie saying to daddy hooman that she was awake most of the night as she was listening out for me. I love my mumsie and daddy hooman. Today I have had some luverly meat from a tin and some funny paste which I licked all up. Going to have a big big sleep now. I hope my tummy bahves itself. Red
Seems like lots of doggies have messy tummies at the moment. When will silly hoomans realise it is because they don’t feed us enough cow poo and bin scraps?? We don’t need the bum-man to tell us that!
My bed sploded today. It happened when ginger was upstairs she thinks it was me me the nerve of that monkey it was like that when I got there Rory
Oh no! I hope it's not the sea monsters arrived to splode our beds now we've chased them out of the sea . Ripple
I'm having a wonderful Holly day. I'm in darbishur where everybody wants to feed me. We stopped on our really long walk today and someone came with a handful of biskits. Tonight were in a pub and the owner brought me some biskits. Then Mrs owner brought some. Then the barmaid brought some. I like darbishur. There are two nice labrador in the pub called amber and Charlie. We're now pals. I will bring mum and dad here tomorrow unless they're too tired after another long walk. Holly
Evil twin Indie Pindie came on our morning walk today and was Norty and ran across a road after feathery tasties. She got her Pointer Pants on when she heard them clucking and mum was upset. It wasn’t me though, Im the Pig and I’m a nice cuddly good piggy who stays around mum for kibbles. Perhaps it was evil twin Rory who sploded your bed Rory?
She got the old bed from upstairs it smells of wee but she said tough you yob. Im going to eat the zips I used to have and evil twin his name was yoush*Rory. He doesn't live here anymore and Moo had one called youevils*d she does make occasional appearances. Last time she stole a battered sausage. He he he it was my evil twin who ate the bed
Why was the sossidge battered Rory? Poor sossidge, some peoples are mean. I'm confoosed. Its still dark dark dark and Mum has come downstairs to MY sofa because she can't sleep. She says she has a hurty back, which is very sad but why does she have to be on MY sofa? It's destroying the natural order of things. Whose head am I supposed to jump on now when the daytime starts?
Mum is being all boring. She says she has a code. Her nose is all runny and she won't let lick it. She also slapped her head when I brought her the jasmine from the garden. She said "Oh Amber! That plant was nearly ten years old!" I was helping with the gardening though wasn't I? Amber.
We found a dog at the forist today, it was a little ginger spanial and it was scared by one of the red things with sticks on its head so it ran away ! Mummy did what she called a rugby takle and catched it , she put Nellys lead on it cos it had a harnis on , Nelly was a bit miffed about this x Then after a long time , we heard the dogs lady shouting , well Nelly didn't cos she is def but Mummy shouted bak and blowed on the whisel , and the lady came, she was crying so I licked her , Sam x
You Nell and your mum are heros Sam. Well you all are anyway but specially big heros for helping the little dog and the lady. If I'm ever lost I hope you and your gang rescue me Rory xxx Oh Moo says she never gets lost
What an advencher, Sam! Your mum was very brave doing a rugby tackle and you were very kind to lick the lady. She must have been so releeved. Wispa
Mummy got in very very late tonight and didn't look happy. Daddy says mummy is stressed with work so we have to be extra nice to her. I'm going to sit on her head, she'll like that. Stanley
Amber - lick you mum's nose for her - the hoomans tongues isn't long enough to reach their noses. She'll thank you for it. - Coco
Fred and Annie I felt better thanks, but decided to be sick at school yesterday...oh yes I was so excited I did not chew my tasty treat and it got stuck. Only cause of action was to be sick...then ate it all. Everybody was nice to me after. Stanley I am sure sitting on your mums head will help. Don't know what stressed is but sounds like it is not good if it is making your mum come home late. Maybe that is what daddy has too as he is late home too...maybe it is a hooman seamonster Sam and Nell your mum is clever and brave. I agree with Rory, if I should ever get lost hope I run into you guys.