Oops, Vanilla, it's difficult to remember to chew treats, isn't it. I do that too and mum says it's a wasteofatreat and youneverlearntuppydoyou. It's ok if you can eat it afterwards but once i got an apple stuck and I nearly choked and it took ages for me to sick it up. That wasn't very nice and mum was very worrid. Praps we need to learn to chew, but treats are too exciting to bother with all that! Tuppy
Tuppy I agree..it is just when they are like reallyreallytastytreats I jusy have to get them as quickly as possible into my tumtum. Daddy just says 'you have to chew then swallow not swallow then try to chew' It would make it jusy easier if all treats just slide down. Maybe Rory has the knack and could teach us both how it is done? Sounds like he does not chew at all
Chewing is for slippers & furniture legs & cushions & stuff, surely? Not for treats & snacks that are simply swallowed. - Coco
Mum says to me this morning.."Coco it's POURING with rain and it blowing a hoolie, shall we skip it this morning?"....Er that'll be a big NO, mum, what on earth was she thinking? So we went for the bestest wet & windy walk & we finished on the beach and just messed about (no ball for some unknown reason) & I chased black & white birds, and mum called me back and I did run back ever so fast (all the birds had flown away anyway). And the rain came even harder - wooooo hoo!! I feel..fresh! - Coco
Oh Coco, that sounds great fun! We haven't even had our holiday at the seaside this year. I miss playing on the beach. Wispa
Coco, you are very brave. When it's pouring rain and gross out, my mum thinks it's OK to walk but no way jose, I am not interested in that! I simply plant my legs and refuse to budge, and eventually mum gives up and I get to go back to my warm, cozy couch to nap until the rain clears up. Puddles are just horrible and I do not step a paw near those. I do love the beach though! But not a raining beach...yuck! Quinn
Lamb and mashed potato and Yorkshire pudding and grayveeeee for tea. Today is a good happy day. Stanley
It's funny Coco when your mum says it's blowing hoolie ginger always says Cocos sent you some rain Rory, it will be here later. So thanks for the big blowy rainy walk Coco it was the best and I feel a bit fresh now
We went to THE VET this morning , Mummy was a bit worried bout Nelly , so I went as well cos I like their biscits and I always get two of them . Mummy always spells it out V.E.T. don't know why she bothers cos I can spell , don't you know ! Nelly was good for once, she didn't wriggle too much, and they all said she is sweet , they don't know her like I do , Sam x
Have you tried the water snorkel? You stick you head in a big water butt up to your eyes open you mouth and suck. I love doing that so refreshing Rory
I am so so so board. Mommy did sumthin to her leg 3 weeks ago end we’ve hardly had a descent walk since..... cept when daddy comes home from work. Mommy has been crankie cuz her leg hurtz so much. She telled me this mornin that she’s beeen goin to fizzio 4 dayz this week and it’s startin to feel bettr. What the hek is Fizzio? I’m happie mommies feelin better but feelin jelus bout fizzio cuz she leeves me at home.
My mummy goes to a fizzio too. She has a sore shoulder so we can't play much or go for many walks because it hurts her. She is going again today.. daddy said she might take me out this afternoon to the oval. I can the run around free so does not hurt mummys arm. Pig - Sardines just slip down nicely I don't chew them either. Come to think about steak, cheese sosajes all just slip down including my dinner if I am really really hungry. Mummy says I am like daddy I just inhale (apperantly). Not sure what that means, daddy does not eat my dinner It is only my 'lamb&chicken' treats. Must because they are dry.... Rory - that sounds like fun. Have you ever gone into a wave and swam through? There are just loads and loads of bubbles and foam. So much fun, then sometimes we see fish and I want to chase but never get them.
Had to walk on lead all walk this evening. Was weird. Mum said somethin' about there being hunters around and I heard the bangs, but bangs usually mean I get to chase a dummy like I did this morning, only I was on lead and there were no dummies. I'm confused. Mum kept saying how big and brave I was though because I kept looking for dummies when I heard the bangs. Mum said that it was different to last year. Well of course it's different. That was old Willow. I am new, improved, big-girl-pants Willow and I rule the WORLD!
Good for you Willow. It is the natural order if things, us girls rule! Keep you pants brave girl pants on and you will conquer the world. Moo