I met a likemebutlittle yesterday as well. Mum thought I might hurt her as she was only 4 monfs but she did the slappy face thing on me (like the Pig I spect) and made me all surprized . She was getting on reeelly well with training her hooman, she kept stopping walkin and he gave her a treat, then she would walk a bit then stop again and get a treat. She was reeelly smart for 4 monfs . Ripple
I met my new friend Judge! Mummy says he's a Great Dane. Well I did think he was great! Mummy says he's a puppy but I think she's wrong because he was nearly as big as me! He did the slappy thing too - but his paws are HUGE! Mummy says he'll be twice the size of me very soon. I took a picture of him to show you. He's only 9 weeks old Stanley
Yes Coco it was funny, he laughed too. I am feeling better, think I drank to much water. Well the beach is out of bounds, not sure what that means but there are snakes. Well I have a fluffy snake at home and play with it. Daddy said it is not that kind of snakes.... Vanilla
I've chekked with mummy. She still says 9 weeks. She said he's a GIANT dog! I still liked him. He shared his toys with me. Stanley
I got my cousin staying with me for a whole week and he tries to play with all my toys and I try and take them back right away! I love him, he's my favourite, but I am not one for sharing! I will NOT share my kongs with him either! Quinn
Quinn - you have to tell your hoomans to by special visitor toys (they become yours when visitors are not around). That way you get extra toys Vanilla
It was yummy and got today but luckily mum and dad put that machine on the wall on that blows out cold air. Me and the mini hooman played in the water earlier too. We had lots of fun but mums weird because she didn't like it when mini hooman drank the water Then me and mini hooman played on the grass and I played a bit of bitey face with him and then we dug a hole in the dirt together and then went inside and brought the dirt inside with us. Mum was like
My hoomans put that on to yesterday when they came home. Then all I heard from them was '%$/^;'. It did not blow any cold air out...apperantly it is broken. It was to hot to sleep...
Oh no! That's horrible! My hoomans got some men to put another two cold air blower things into our house today. Now the house is icy cold. Why don't you come and sleep at my house Vanilla?
Ging is going to the place were they pull out her bone marrow.it's rubbish really she never brings any home for us to eat and my afternoon walk is too short. I don't mind if she's a but limpy but I like a big walk, its not right is it.
I might do as they can't get anybody to come out for a week . it is too hot and Daddy has some fans on for me, it will be to hot again tonight, but apparently it will cool down soon
No not right at all, but you will have to be gentle with her when she comes back as she will need loads of cuddles and licks. Maybe she will bring something else home later?
I always try to pull the dressings off because I'm norty. He he HE she's just tells me I'm nosey . I've got a new toy so I'm going to play with that.I might let her play with it if she's good
Mummy took me and the small one for a walk this morning, in the woods, in the dark ! I don't know what she is playing at I`m sure , it was spooky but me and the small one liked it , I fink ! Then this big thing floo out of a tree, it was huge and had big wings, Mummy said it was a owel , the small one was a bit scared, but I wasn't , I hope Mummy takes us in the dark again , it was ace , Sam x
Hola! Sóc Conchita! Well, that is what the humans they are calling me now. Before, it was Coixeta (Coy-shet-ta) but the new humans didn't hear it well and anyway they say that it's not nice to call a lady a cripple, so I am feeling happiness with Conchita! The thing most meravellós has happened to me, everyone. There I was, in my kennel at the protectora, my casa for many years, when the lady I like to call "Fiona de Formatge" arrived (she says to call her Fi, but "Fi" means "end" where I am from, and the end of formatge would be a very sorry thing indeed). I gave her my best toothy smile and she took me away from my casa and everything I've known in molt de temps. I was una mica nerviós at first, you can imagine, but then she showed me a thick, padded thing which was just increïble for sleeping on. I have never felt so confortable. Fiona de Formatge, she also gives the best strokes. I can't remember feeling anything like it. It makes me feel segur i estimat. I hope one day all of you find a place confortable i segur like this, and a human who gives you good neck-strokes until you fall asleep. Petonets, Conchita xxx
Oh no, not fair. I LOVE sucking the marrow out of bones. I think she must eat it all herself....I mean you would, wouldn't you?