Basil's coming to stay, Basil's coming to stay Best get all my toys out ready and have lots of naps so I'm good and rested for all the FUN! Stanley
I'm going to see my new bum lady. I'm going on the bus so I should find loads of nice food on the floor. She's going to look at my mouth ouchy, and look at my wee this new bum lady is strange. I've never known a monkey so interested in wee.
I think mummy needs to go to the bum lady too. She is being boring because she has squirty bum. I'm giving her lots of licks and cuddles and bringing her things from all over the house though so that should make her better. Amber
We went on a llllllooonggg buzz ride and I saw my new bum lady. She adores me already obviously and she told me I was such a lovely girl. Lady I know
I had the bestest walk today....Mommy took me off leash in the bush and we walked and ran and walked and ran and sniffedsniffedsniffed. Mommy wonders if I should become a d'tecshun dog insted of a therapie dog. I was soooo happy. Mom dint take me there for a looooong time cuz there was a wolph around but we think its gon now. Mommy wasnt such a scardy cat today....
Ooh I want to see Basil! I’ll get my toys ready too. Pigs love Basils!! What is a Basil? Love, the Pig x
Pig, Basils are a green thing that lives in a pot that mums get really excited about when you pick it up in your teeth and run around the garden with it. Then if you toss it in the air and Basil falls out of its pot, you can chew the pot and the basil and mums make a really high squeeeky noise. If you get a Basil try it, its fun fun fun.
Mummy tuk me to the forist today , I`ve never been to the forist on my own but I like it a lot . There was a car in the car waiting place, it had bloo and yellow striped on it , and Mummy said Oh o , its a polise car and it says polise dogs on the side of it . So we set off, me and Mummy and when we turned this corner , there was a man with black cloves on , and he had 2 dogs, one was what Mummy sed was a spanial and the other one was a massive giant german shepherd dog, all hairy and scarey . The man in black said don't worry , she will ignooor you , she is trained to ignooor you, phew I was dead pleased about this, because she was a monster . Mummy sed I was ever such a good girl , she was smiling and I can lip read you know ! xxx Nell the brave x
I manidged to get out the front door today and ran off . Mumsie shouted ‘midel’ so I ran back and shot between her legs - she said ‘good girl Red’, then said to Daddy Hooman ‘powerful midel’ and they high-fived each other. They were very pleased so I was a good girl for running off - right? Red
That looks like an excellent Basil he is quite smol but that is understandable given that he grew in a plant pot like Monty said. Ok I’ll put me in the postbox tomorrow, see you soon. Love, the Pig x
That stroppy spotty dog who has no manners suprise suprise she seems to have developed some. She came up to me so hide behind ging. If all else fails I can always say look at my scary monkey, but I didn't need to She was a lot more respectful. So being the magnanimous superiour dignified empress that I am I let her sniff my bum. Moo the magnanimous
My HEAD has just exploded! All these dogs and horses and people and dogs and dogs and horses and kwodbikes and dogs and horses and dogs and dogs and dogs have just run THROUGH MY GARDEN AND PAST MY DOOR and the dogs were two inches from me the other side of the glass and they were lovely and I wantedwantedwanted to go and say hello and mumanddad said no no no Pongo that's not a good idea really it isn't. And they gave me a biscuit for being a good boy. Mum says it was something called The Hunt. I wantwantwantwantwant to go and play with The Hunt.
Wow! Pongo - The Hunt went in your garden? OHMYGOODNESSHOWEXCITING! Sometimes The Hunt comes NEAR mine....but I've never seen it. Mum says they're Blood Hounds ? They sound scary...I don't think I want to see them in case they eat me n my blood. - Coco
Look what I met this afternoon. It sniffed me! It sniffed me! Dad said you can eat them...I don't think so. BUT you could DEFINITELY eat the pancakes that were in the field with them, sadly I couldn't reach them. - Coco
That's one big ginger cow anyway talking about big ginger cows ging isn't very happy with me I did 1 norty thing and 1 silly thing and bizarre thing. I bit a collar buckle in 2 in one bite I really enjoying it though and we've got loads so hey no problem . I jumped out of the gate as ginger was opening it and barked at a dog and fell over apparently it was silly. Then I lost an unloosable dog tag. I'm an enigma that's what she said what's that? There's been a bit of head shaking and mumbling about silly pups. so yesterday I behaved so well on our walk she was so happy with me. I got an extra big cuddle. I ignored a dog which was behaving in a Ott way.he was over excited and I just ignored him tried to calm him but he just wanted to bite and play too rough. His owners grabbed him and ging talked to them they were nice. I came to her when called and did not loose my temper or get silly myself. She told me what a clever good boy i am and that I make her proud. Phew back in the good books again. I wasn't out of them really just needed to remind her how fabulous I am.