Annie - well it is because I have the itchies and have apperantly licked my self silly certain lady parts. Had to see bum lady yesterday and now have to wear this and take tablets. Daddy hides them in chicken, but I know they are in there... Just not happy... Vanilla
It is I, Conchita the Cheery! And, yes, today I am feeling molt alegre indeed! The jacket that I have been wearing for an eternity or more has now been cast aside. I am free of its fluffy shackles and once again resplendent in my orange finery, just as Mare Naura intended. For sure, the purple fabric complemented my auburn tones quite wonderfully, but is it not true that I need no adorns, no alta costura, for I am the picture of perfecció just how I am. Foster Mama is making talk of a journey we are to take together soon. I wonder what this means. She talks of a green land, many miles from here. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but as long as Foster Mama is there, everything will be OK. Conchita.
Daddy has been poooly today so I have been sitting on his knee a lot , Mummy says I am a proper little nursie . Mummy took me for a walk round our vilig , new smells and new dogs to meet , then I met the little hoomans coming out of skool and got lots of fuss cos they think I am cute . Mummy has been bisie , she had this fancy paper out and lots of present things and stuff she calls selatape , she said a few norty words because the selatape got in a mess , so I ran off with it to save her from getting stressed , I am very helpful you know , Nell xxx
Nell, Nell, I am very helpful too! I help in the kitchen by testing carrets and cabbige and things to make sure they taste alright. Then thisafternoon me and mother went for a walk and I smelled a smell I knew. It wasn't narna skin (Mother says I am a Nexpert at finding this) and it wasn't poo which I am also a Nexpert at. It was the paper that Mother gives to people sometimes.I sneaky sneaked under the wire fence and ranranran down the slope with all the things that have fallen off the trees. I picked up the paper and ranranran back to Mother. I put the paper down at her feet and gave her my very best eyes. Mother said what have you got now Joy? Then she said Oh my Dog! It's twenty pounds! GoodGirlJoy! It was my best day for ages, I have been having only very boring walks, nearly all on my lead because Mother says I have been In Seesun and we must be careful. It was nice to runrunrun and to be GoodGirlJoy
I just told my mummy your story joy and she said why can't I be more like you. She said I'm the reason all of her money disappears and I never bring her any Stanley
Oh Stanley! What Mother also said but I didn't tell was 'That will go towards the beds I've had to replace because you've sploded so many.' As long as I'm still GoogGirlJoy I think we're still all happy. Love and licks, Joy.
I don't mind as I get extra chicken anyhow. I never know which piece has the tablet in. Daddy said this morning only 1 or 2 more days with this silly cone.
He he he ging thinks cos I'm old I'm daft. I know that she gives the bleepy truck our beautiful rubbish on Thursday mornings so I sneaked out and tried to help myself to the lovely rubbish.she caught me she's so sneaky and she laughed at me as she took me back inside I wanted that divine smelling stuff. You'd think she'd give an old girl a break I really like bin raiding. Moo the really really hungry bin pirate
I was really helpful today when ging fell over in the mud I lay down with her and rolled around on her. I think she appreciated my help, she laughed at me . Beard says she would laugh even if her bum was on fire. It was fun rolling around in the mud in the dark with ginger. She's silly. Rory
Moo, my mummy changed the type of bins we have because Poppy is really good at getting them open. Poppy used to let me have a good rummage in them with her too. It's so unfair that we can't get in them now. Amber.
Oh our delicious lovely bins are kept in a locked area because they are so precious. She only got them out for the bleeps truck she didn't realise I smelt them
I bark at the bleep truck men. They take all my lovely rubbish, so I bark. And I bark. And I bark. They do go away, but not before they've nicked all my tasty trash. Any ideas? - Coco
Get the stuff before them greedy devils do? Tried a few times yum Moo the radioactive waste disposal dog
Cake for brains! Cake for brains! Mother says I got my head so close to the fire when I was chewing my Kong that now my brains have baked and turned into cake. What she hasn't realised is that it's a very clever little cake-brain. When I get my Kong it is coldcoldcold and freezy. If I chew it near the fire all the yummy stuff comes out quicker. Tee Hee, GoodGirlJoy! Glad you're feeling hungry again Moo. It's not normal to be not
I'm finding it hard to walk now my joints are stiff and hurty. Ging says she will get me something to help with that next week. I wonder what it is I hope it tastes nice. Moo the mind is good but the flesh is weak .