Lots of licks, Fred, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. I don't know what I'd do without food, though... but cuddles are good! Tuppy
Today I went sploring with mum and dad. They came splashing in a stream with me which was fun. I also ate some deer poo and had a very farty afternoon. I need some sleep as its been a tiring day.
Made it to Monday. Dad's poured out full dinner rations, mum's just defrosted some beef for my walk. Next door's builders have just arrived - they are a good source of biskits. All is right with the world. I don't want to make out that weekends are THAT rubbish - I had a brilliant extra walk on Sunday and swimmed in a chilly river. It's just the food blip. - Coco
I have had a walk this morning with Annie on the fields. I didn't want to chase the ball, but like to sniff the air. When we got back Mum gave me some rice and chicken. Now I am going to have a sleep by the fire .......Fred
I love everything! I had a super walk with mum - we played some silly games that were fun, I love games. Then we went on the beach and I chased my ball - ELEVEN times! I love running after my ball, and I love the beach. Then I came home and got biskits from the builders - I love the builders, I really do. Life is great! - Coco
I was a gun-pig! Well mummy tells me I will never be a proper gun-pig on account of me being Very Norty but I can pretend. It was very cold but good because I got loads of treats and then it got even better because mum ran out of treats and I got to have other doggos treats and they were amazing and I had buffalo. I did lots of stop whistles and I did some retrieves and I found a rabbit leg. It was exciting so I whined a lot when I wasn’t getting treats and I humped mum’s bag. The only rubbish bit was I had to go in the car for ages. Bleurgh. Pigs don’t like cars. Now mum’s snotty and ill and on the sofa so I am whining at her face and stealing tissues to make her better. Love, the Pig x
Hmm nose eh? I have always gone for carefully-inserted-tongue-into-ear tactics but will try nose too.
And Pig, if she falls asleep with her mouth open, you have to lick her mouth too! I guarantee that will get her up off the sofa!!! You sound like a great gunpig, norty ones are better then sensible ones. And how were you ever going to get more treats if you hadnt have whined and humped? sounds like common sense to me.
Today is a speshul one for Mummy and Daddy , somefing called a wedding aniversury , they have been marid for a very long time, apparently . So this morning they put my nice new harnis on me and we went to a place called Looooo , its seaside and it was egsiting , lots of shops wiv pasties and fugg , and lots of seagulls making a row . I was a good girl , Mummy went to her frends shop , its called a fish shop ,and she bort some crab for their ( our ) tea, it smelled lovely . I went to see the fishing boats , Mummy noes a fisherman person and he let us go on the boat , ace . Daddy bort Mummy some flowers , and a soppy card , Mummy bort him a card but she did not have her glasses on and got a card that sed inside Happy Birfday ! Nelly x
My mummy is poorly too. She keeps coughing and sneezing and her face and eyes are all red. I'm give her kisses and cuddles and she said I'm making her feel better. Stanley
Wot is it with our hoomans at the minute.......mines poorly too but not from a cold, it’s her back again - she can’t walk far so my big sister came home at the weekend to walk and play with me coz dad was really busy at wurk. Mummy went to wurk today for a bit but came home early so I got extra cuddles and an extra frozen bone . I look after mum when she’s like this coz I know she needs extra snuggles. Mum sed I get to see Oli again tomorrow coz she can’t walk me.......I like Oli, he’s fun and brings my friends to come play wiv me
I just had fun , been out in the gardin , trying to catch white things that are falling from the sky , Nelly xx
We have to look after them when we're ill and give them lots of gentle snuggles. I hope your mums better soon so we can have another walk together. It seems like ages since we had that fun day in the snow. Holly
Pparently my wee has been tested and it is in the 'norman' range - I didn't think we new anybody called Norman . And when I saw the bum lady I had lost a kilo, but they didn't find that in my wee either. Very strange altogether . Ripple
They are obsessed by wee and poo Ripple they are just dirty monkies. I've seen them flinging it about on telly. I've been studying mine for years and she is s very filthy beast. Moo the observant.