I don't know what a Parmo is Stanley, but I did have some rump steak tonight. Chicken AND cheese sounds amazing though. - Coco
I was a good boy when she got home Coco and gave her lots of licks and puppy eyes and she wasn mad at me anymore Didn go to the dog park yesterday cos it was too hot. Didn do much cept lie in the laundry on the tiles. Mum said the hoomidity was gonna kill her so I stayed close to protect her. I told her that the bad hoomidity monster might be hiding in the shoe cupboard so she better let me in to check. She didn. Then a big storm came and I was a good boy and didn cry like last time. And then water came from the sky! Dad said thank God the garden will get a good drink. Hmmmm why do the plants need to drink? Anyway he didn go and hose the garden like usual which is not good cos I love trotting around the backyard with him sniffin' and chewing on the plants. OOOOOOh I just heard the word DOG PARK!! It's not hot this mornin' so looks like we're goin' oh boy oh boy oh boy happy dance!!
Ohmydoghmydog I got my own phessie! Well, it kind of found me, in my garden! It was hoooooge, much bigger than the cat, I wasn't allowed to go out and see it but later i could smell everywhere it strutted around. Stoopid mum was worried it had got stuck in our garden as it stayed for ages and ages. Now I'm all growed up and four I'm allowed to post photos so here it is. Pig, come and live here and you won't have to chase those phessies they'll come to you!
I don't know what's up the boss she let me lied in her bed today while she went in mine? She told ging off loads too proper bossy today mean mean Moo. Rory
I was wonderin' what a phessie was.....we don have them here I don think. It looks like fun to play with so not fair your mum wouldn let you I had fun at the dog park....ran and ran with my new friend Harley. She is the same size as me but she is a whole 1 year old. Her mum said she is a nova scosha duck tolling triever...what a mouthful...I'd rather be a labbydor. We played bitey face and Mum said I was gettin' too gressive. But Harley was giving it just as good back. Now I'm banned to the back porch 'cos Mum said it's time to clean up my play area inside. So I had to sit at the back door and watch my chewed up cardboard, leaves, twigs, grass, dirt, fur, chewed up tennis ball, bits of George (my fave toy - he's a gorilla) all go in the bin. Mean Mum.
I feel all bouncy and silly. The butterflies that live in my head have been flapping their wings so I've gone selectively deaf. I ran off and played in the stream with my boy gang on friday so ging to me for big walks in the fields I was super good and extra listeny. Ging says my sap is rising cos it's spring. Well I am very springy. Is anyone else feeling springy and super bouncy? Rory
We went on a pak walk yesterday, but it wos sposed to be 'controlled' and 'well-beehaved' -BORING. So I made it xciting and pully and twig eeting . My unfriend the colliefromagility wos there but she wos nice to me so I wos a bit . Today I am going on a long walk with Mum and my hooman sister and her Tom, I like Tom . Mum said she wants to wear me out so she can have some piece and quiet next week - no chance Mum . Ripple
Mum only gave me 4 little bits of turkey brest for dinner - she said I wos lucky to get that , very harsh Mum . Ripple
Ripple, if you happen to be walking forward, minding your own business opening and closing your mouth and a dead seagull just happens to fall in your mouth and then you crunch it a bit, well, that could happen to any doggie. Sounds like a completely unavoidable accident. On Friday I was in the pub with mum and dad, and the food arrived whilst dad wasn't there, I accidentally turned my head and the corner of his cheese baguette randomly fell into my mouth! It's just life mate, yummy food gravitates towards us sometimes, we are helpless in a complicated universe.
Get really naughty and yo get what you want. I've been poorly this week and naughty all day.. I still got chikkin dinner. Stanley
Oh no Ripple, you must be starving! Still got water coming from the sky and its not hot so much nicer. Dad said I musta had a good nights sleep cos I was doing zoomies inside at 5.00am this morning with George the gorilla. Mum was brushing the fur on her head downstairs and Dad was makin' Mum's kibble to take to work and Mum came up and said 'who let the horse into the house?' Huh? Then I went outside to play in the puddles and George came too and then Dad got cross and said 'now look at George, he's all wet'. Well DUH Dad. Anywaze now George is hanging by his arms on the string under the back porch roof so maybe I better not jump in any more puddles 'cos he might hang me up there by the tail or somethin'. Crikey. Hope you feel betta soon Stanley....yummmm chickin is good.
(we've been nursing a bad leg - this is the first day off sedation meds)...and it's a purdy spring day 'can I run can I can I' oh a stick chomp chomp..oh yes toss it - I got it .. chomp chomp..ok toss it again.. this is a fun game. can I run can I run..no no sniff sniff..'IN' oh time to go in..I suppose it's so purdy out 'IN" oh food IN has food we got this...kibble yum yum...wait where's the rest... da is hugging I wantta hug...jump on them they'll hug me they will they will 'DOWN' oops right no jumping.. oh there they are the puppy hugs and belly rubs....yes... wait..where ya going..take me take me.. oh oh ok.. fine.. but wait momma is still here and umm.. what should I do ... oh oh hungry -- my bowl is empty.. WHAT I'm still hungry...BARK BARK...toy?!! I don't want no stinkin' toy... no no - BARK BARK... oh oh crunchy bottle..yes yes wait on I'm hungry BARK BARK..momma got something from the kitchen...mine mine please please "CRATE" gotta be gotta be - I'm here look in the crate mine please... YUMMY.... done - gone what that was it really - wait.. bedding.. what's INSIDE.. oh look I can make the inside outside..more inside to come outside... here comes momma WHAT... oops but it was mine... oh oh it's going into the trash.. what.. sigh.. ok... wait now what....momma is sitting WHAT!!! I gotta get her attention she must have forgotten about me...nip at blanket, nip at chair NIP AT HER!!! WHAT she yelled at me.. LAYDOWN momma says.. ok ok I'm here look all goo..... NIP NIP.. BARK BARK 'LAYDOWN' really again.. what's with this laydown.. I've been busy all day why would I want to stop now... such a purty day... ok ok down... momma loved me a bit...BARK BARK NIP NIP..why is she ignoring me.. oh wait she's getting up but she's not saying anything.... BARK NIP NIP BARK.. the kitchen YES this is where the yummy treats come from what's she doing, momma look at me.. "RUG" oh oh ya get on my rug!! I better lay down too - yummy tossed - stay put maybe more ... she's still here!! oh oh another treat!! Oh oh she's leaving the kitchen..gotta follow - follow now -- wait what's that OH OH OH it's one of those things with food inside 'CRATE'... gotta get in the crate gotta go now now -- YAY food!!! oh this feels good in my belly...oh... oh wait... ZZZZ's
Ripple - never had a seagull fall into my mouth, but I had a Rabbit just bounce into my mouth this morning. But then it got taken from me...well I wanted the apertiser of my favorite treat 'red sauce with fish'....
Mum wrestled me for the seagull ( I saw it first) - I got to eet all the best bits but she got the head and the legs, didn't see her eet them tho. I woodn't have swopped it for red sauce n fish . Ripple
OMD! A beef steak fell from the sky yesterday. It landed on the floor right next me, I went to pick it up...meanie-mum shouted "LEAVE!" I left it - after I'd had a nice lick. I cleaned all the goo up off the floor too. Mum said I was "a very good boy, Coco". I got some cooked steak later. - Coco
First day back at work. Long list of stuff to do. I know I've got to do it. But Pongo has his big heavy head on my knee begging for attention. Dilemma: do I do the work I need to do, or do I throw on some woollies and go out there in the crisp sunny cold with my big puppy? Hmmm....that's a tough one.....