Random hoomans...by our dogs..

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Beanwood, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Yesterday mum started packing her suitcase thingy so I sulked........but an hour later she put my stuff in there too!! I’m now in Plimouff visiting my big Holman sister and her boyfriend and we are staying with his parents who LOVE me and keep fussing me lots :chuckle:
    We went to a beech today and it was great fun but the water kept trying to catch me! What is that all about? Mum slipped over on the muddy path and hurt herself so we’ve had lots of snuggles this afternoon. My big Holman sister is cooking dinner - sausages........hope I get some.......I’ve been really good........honest :angel:
    edzbird, drjs@5, Granca and 4 others like this.
  2. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    I havent had a daddy walk for two days. Mummy walks are OK but theyre a bit boring. I want to run off lead through the woods pouncing on twigs and being frocious, and get muddy so dad takes me to a pond for swimmy fetch.
    edzbird, Naya and Granca like this.
  3. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    We had to go visiting it's super boring i was good sort of. Gings brother showed up I barked at him and made him stroke me. Gings mum has got a new washing machine. Ging was laughing loads cos her mum kept pressing the wrong button and the machine had been washing the same things for nearly 5 hours. Ging had to explain that she had been pressing the start button not the open door button. They were laughing so much ging always laughs loads with her mum. I nick all the mum things and run about with them and they laugh at me too. I like it when they laugh and call me silly Rory. Then to see beardy mm she wobbly and I'm not allowed to touch her because she's so wobbly. I rested my head on her hand and gave her a look and everyone laughed at me.i was very entertaining today but I'm tired after all that. I going to have a nap on the sofa.
    edzbird, Naya, Granca and 1 other person like this.
  4. Maxx's Mum

    Maxx's Mum Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2018
    Sydney, Australia
    DIGGING!!! OMG OMG I discovered it at the beach and I dug and dug and then I had a big hole and I dug some more. Hoomans all laughed affectionately. So when we got back to the beach house I waited til no-one was looking and dug a nice hole in the grass. Well. You should have heard the carry-on. The house belongs to Mum's litter pal sister and now apparently we wont be invited back to stay. WHY? The hole looked so nice. Dad filled it in while giving me sideways looks and muttering more about braking and furry necks. They like to say that. I wasn't allowed to potter around the garden on my own anymore, I had the bluddy leash on all the time or got put in my pen on the pavers. Pffft.

    We are home again so no more beach. I was soooo tired I slept in my crate all the way home and them some more. Mum starts her new job tomorrow so no more full-time mum at home :(
    CMartin, Granca, Hollysdad and 2 others like this.
  5. JenBainbridge

    JenBainbridge Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2016
    Darlington, UK
    Mummy has finally discovered the joys of MUD!

    We were on our morning walk and all I heard was SPLAT! Next thing mummy was sat in all the mud pulling this sort of face o_O

    So I thought I'd jump on her head and show her the fun. Mummy was like STANLEY NO! But I jumped all over her and made sure she was good & covered.

    Hopefully mummy will play in the mud with me more often because it was really fun!

    CMartin, Naya, drjs@5 and 4 others like this.
  6. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    You are so good to your Mum Stanley ..............Annie :chuckle:
    JenBainbridge likes this.
  7. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    Mumsie wasn’t very pleased with me yesterday :rolleyes:. Her friend Jenny came for what Mumsie said was sposed to be a relaxxing cup of T.
    Jenny talks very loud and laffs a lot and this gets me in a tiss and I just have to jump up all over her. Jenny smells of treats cos she has a dog and I can’t help wanting to sniff Jenny all over which makes Jenny laff even more :). Mumsie started muttering stuff like ‘we need a statergy’ - whatever that is. I think it was somefink to do with Jenny suddenly standing up and turning her back on me. I tried ever so hard to keep sitting down when she did that but ....... . Hope Jenny comes again soon.

    The puppy Red
    CMartin, drjs@5, Granca and 1 other person like this.
  8. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    I am pleased to say My Wood is still there. We haven't been for AGES. It's either "too dark, Coco" (mum says we can't go after 8:10am in case other people are there o_O) or it's "too icy on the road, Coco" or "it's closed, Coco - the trees have blown down". But we went yesterday and I had the most amazing walk/run/sniff. There was loads of new mud "oh, tut - these muddy ruts are from the Enduro race, Coco". Tut? I thought they were brilliant. I bounced, splashed and troughed through them (though I didn't manage to get mum to fall over - you must have laughed a bit there Stanley). Anyway - I am here to report that we went AGAIN today, and yes, the wood is still there - I didn't dream it.

    Jenny sounds lovely, Red. Treats & laffs - the best in a hooman. Maybe this statergy will mean some treats from Jenny :)

    - Coco
  9. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Mum isn't speaking to me. She's gone all quiet. I really don't understand. She is still giving me dinner and treats and cuddles but she's not speaking, it all hand-signals and claps. She's not speaking to dad either.

    I heard dad say that she's lost her voice but I can't find it for her anywhere, not even down the back of the sofa and I looked really hard. Silly mum. I hope she finds it again, it is just a bit.....weird.

    Pongo (rather confused).
    CMartin, Naya, drjs@5 and 6 others like this.
  10. Maxx's Mum

    Maxx's Mum Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2018
    Sydney, Australia
    My Mum and Dad brought friends to the beach for a few days and I just love them like you love Jenny Red. 'speshally Aunty Sue 'cos she makes lots of laughing and squealing sounds when I jump on her. I'm not allowed to jump on Mum and Dad but every time Aunty Sue wasn't looking I would jump right up and lick her face! Mum and Dad got angry and I sure don't know why.

    Mum didn't end up going to her new job cos they said they weren't reddy. Dad not happy cos Mum said he is the Finance department and isn't happy that we have another week with no kibble money. Mum seems secretly very pleased and chuckles when Dad isn't near. Yay! More Mum time for me.

    Pongo maybe your Mum lost her voice on a walk? You better sniff and sniff next time you go and try to find it.
    CMartin and Granca like this.
  11. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    I'll do that, Maxx. It is really weird when she won't talk to me, I've TRIED EVERYTHING to make her talk but she won't. It is just as well I taught her all those hand signals.
  12. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    That was excellent foresight Pongo. I have taught my mum (& dad) a few hand signals for just in case. We practice, but have never had to use them in earnest...good to see that your hard work has paid off.

    - Coco
    CMartin, Rosie and Maxx's Mum like this.
  13. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    I had fun with my bed again today. It's doesn't hold together now it just falls apart. Maybe I should not eat the zips. Who knew the bed would go all saggy if you chewed the zips. Ging says I can't have another but I might inherit one soon. She made me a bed out of all of the broken bits. I like it it's like a little nest. She says I look like a little chick mmmmmm she's silly I look like a big massive eagle.
  14. Lara

    Lara Registered Users

    Oct 24, 2016
    Pongo this sounds excellent because what with your mummy’s voice hiding, she can’t say ‘leave it Pongo’! Think of all the things you don’t have to leave! Go forth Pongo and shove your snout in he bin! :D That is the Pig’s advice. Also pocket-snorkel, dishwasher-rummage, and sock-snaffle in that order.
    CMartin, drjs@5, edzbird and 3 others like this.
  15. Lara

    Lara Registered Users

    Oct 24, 2016
    I was busy doing my favourite hobby this evening which is nibbling logs in the log store outside. Pig-mummy thought it was a good time to practice ‘recall away from logs’. But Pig-mummy forgets that I am a Very Clever Pig and she is a kibble brain. Why would I do recall-away-from-logs when I can do recall-WITH-logs? Pip-pip-pip-pip-pip goes mummy. Here I am mummy, back in the kitchen with a MASSIVE LOG in my mouth ready for my treat :D Pig 1, Pig-mummy Nil.
  16. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Pigling-pie, you are so crafty and wise. Recall-with-logs - genius!

    - Coco
    drjs@5 likes this.
  17. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    Today Mumsie has been weighing my food and Red’s and putting it into boxes, then packing it all into bags. That can only mean Mumsie and Daddy Hooman are off on their travels. I am going to Mumsie and Daddy Hooman No.2 I expect as I saw them yesterday and they said ‘We’ll be seeing you very soon Sky’. I like going there as they have a garden and a paddock and an orchard and I get to go sniffing everywhere.

    CMartin, Granca and drjs@5 like this.
  18. Candy

    Candy Registered Users

    Sep 23, 2017
    West Yorkshire
    Pongo, my Mother's voice is not lost but it has gone strange. First it was all squeaky but she wasn't crying, then it was growly but she wasn't cross then she started barking but no-one had come through the gate which is the only time I bark, mostly. She's only doing little walks with me and then I go to day care. I LOVE it at day care I've got lots of friends and we playplayplay. Mother says it's a Dogsend.When I come home we have lots of cuddles and Mother says she's sorry I had to go and when she's back to normal we will do more walks and swimming again. I do love day care but I think I love normal more.
  19. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Genius. You are a genius, pig.
  20. Lara

    Lara Registered Users

    Oct 24, 2016
    Yus :nod:
    CMartin, Granca and drjs@5 like this.

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