As truly impossible as it may seem I think I might be loosing my looks. I can't believe it but it must be true Belle didn't lose her mind and behave like I was Justin beiber today she told me off for being too friendly but forgave me in the end and we had nice Chase game.She was very happy to see me to play but not as friendly as she was I was so disappointed . I strutted with no luck I just haven't got it any more. Never mind my tea was nice and I had my beautiful shiny fur brushed and ears cleaned . Its a good job I'm not vain though.
I would try to eat any poo any even my own. Well done young pup you have to achieve a certain level of poo anxiety with them pesky monkey's early on. I mistook a a small dog for a cat today, growled at it and was surprised when it growled back. I got my tame monkey to apologise for me. Can't believe how bad my eyes are getting. Saw a cat latter and did a big bouncy growl bark to make up for it. l don't even know why I barked at it I normally like cats I used to clean mine he loved me. I've still got it though even if I can't see what I'm doing
Today I went to learn to swim at the hydrofurapee pool. It was very wet! I swimmed after the toys and everybody said I did really well, but I had to wear a funny hat over my ears and Mum laughed at me. BUT there was NO cheeeeeze, I must have done something wrong - Lilly you promised there would be cheeeeze. AND I missed lunch cos Mum said I needed to have an empty tummy to go swimming. My tummy is really empty now . When I got home the cat was really funny and said it wasn't me , but it is definitely me. The cat keeps sniffing me and says it isn't me - I'm really confused now . Ripple
Mummy and daddy are Dec-o-rating. It looks like they're spreading something on the walls. Mummy says I'm not allowed to help because the last thing she needs is black hair stuck to it. But daddy says mummy moults more than me. Stanley
What????? I ALWAYZ get cheese! You need to get you mum trayned up. Rollo, you need to get the clicker out! Tut Lilly
Mommy and I went for our usual walk this morning but instead of gowing towards the big park, we turned around and started going back home! She thought I didn't know the direction of our home, silly mommy. I showed her. I laid down in the middle of the street and refused to budge. Cars were honking and mommy was pulling me but I just laid there pretending to sleep. Mommy even pulled out the chicken strip snack that I love but I didnt move! She finally gave in and said Park, so I jumped up to go...but she picked me up and brought me home She lied to me, and I was angry at her, so I did what I do best: I went home and peed on the cat. Bella
Is the anywhere you can have a really good roll before you go home? There's always mud near my favourite stream but the pool probably doesn't have that. Hope you've had some cheese for being good - I can thoroughly recommend Brie rind! Wispa
I cant beleive what just happend.... its Saterday and i barked at 7:30 precisley to wake mum up. She came down when i stopped let me out to pee and then i came back in to Play and she put me back to bed?????? Im just sat twiddling my paws now. This doesnt normally hapoen
It's called a lie n we don't suffer from this in our house out monkey's not a sleeper. As always I go to my default method of 330 barking. Moo
Your dad sounds like my dad. Mum washed my collar today and told dad that I was going naked. Dad said "yeah, and she's still less hairy than you are". Dads are brutal.
My mum is mad this morning because she wanted a lie in. I was waiting nicely downstairs for someone to come and see me and I heard an alarm go off 4 times. I got a bit confused so I started to cry. Mummy came down then and let me out but she said it was supposed to be your daddy's turn but he's just waking the whole house up with alarms! I'm glad she's mad at him and not me, I got cuddles. He won't Stanley
My Dad gets told off lots when he does things with me, Mum says its cos he doesn't understand the sis-tems. I think I get my Dads cuddles too - but I don't really like cuddles, I like CHEEEZEEEE (ARE YOU LISTENING MUM CHEEEEZEEEE!) Ripple