I`ve had a quick search and couldn`t find a specific answer so here goes, Murphy`s recall, both verbal and whistle is getting better however on some occaisions when I recall he will look around before coming back to me! A couple of times he`s headed back towards the distraction, people, dogs whatever This mainly seems to occur when we are in an open space with good site lines, if in a wooded area or I`m out of sight it`s not an issue. Any ideas on how to put a stop to this? Thanks, Steve.
Re: Recall issue Hi Steve , oh yes, that dreaded look back , deciding should I go back or carry on running , we`ve all been there I`m sure Can I recommend that you buy Pippa`s book , Total Recall , you can buy it from Amazon, its a very useful tool to help reinforce the recall , it will definitely help .
Re: Recall issue Recall has the potential to be negative for a dog if it's used to call him away from other dogs, rotting fish, interesting smells and other fabulous things, too often. It sounds like you've done too much of that and Murphy is now expecting it to mean come away from something interesting. I view my recall with a young dog as a bit of a bank balance, I balance the negative recalls (the ones where I need him to come away from something good) against loads of positive ones when my reward - food or game - is much better than what he was doing. I can top up my bank balance with recall games, where the whole game is dashing around in recalls and getting loads of praise and fabulous treats. So that might be on offer when he hears my recall but is doing something that's already fun.
Re: Recall issue Hi there.Please please help!! I have a wonderful 8 month black male lab.His recall is really good when there are no other dogs about but when there is he becomes a different dog! He will not come back to any verbal command or.whistle.Tonight he ran across the whole field with another dog and just wouldn't come back.It was like I wasn't even there! I would appreciate any comments to help with this ongoing problem
Re: Recall issue Hi Craig, Have you checked out some of the recall articles on the main website? It sounds like you need to proof your recall in different areas and with different distractions. There is a lot of information to be found in the Recall Training Centre including about proofing. Unfortunately, recall is not my forte. : It takes a fair bit of consistency and hard work. Take a look at the info, and ask away if you have questions, there are a lot of experienced hands on the forum. Also, if you haven't already seen it, Pippa Mattinson's Total Recall book is excellent and a clear and easy read.