Recently rehomed female started humping me.

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Jo1309, Oct 16, 2019.

  1. Jo1309

    Jo1309 Registered Users

    Oct 16, 2019
    I am very new to this so am sorry if repeating an already posted question. 5 days ago I rehomed a 5 months old female lab. She is adorable and am making great progress with the training ( wasn't house training and doesn't know any basics so starting from scratch. ) she isn't in the slightest bit aggressive and is a typical puppy and due to no training or attention she behaves like she is 8 weeks! Everything is going well. But once yesterday and now 3 times today she is trying to hump me. Comes from behind and hangs onto my back or does it to my legs from the side when am sat down. This is new and she didn't do this for the first 3 days. I don't understand the behaviour at all. Have had 2 labs in the past both female and never did this. I am struggling to deal with the behaviour due to a past horrific experience and the action is getting me upset. Cara is a walked ample times and has plenty of attention and games play and stimulation and the bulk of my time is spent with her. Please can anyone advise me how to stop this or what I am doing wrong to begin this because I don't know where I am going wrong. She also is licking her vulva area a lot since having her and is this connected? Many thanks.
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Humping may just be over-excitement. Is she getting plenty of down-time as well as exercise?
    Teach her to settle on her bed, in her crate etc. In the short term, could you use a toy to distrct her, or use it as a training opportunity to do a bit of sit/stay training with some of her meal allowance?
    Regarding the excessive licking, as you have just got her, it may be worth you poppong her to the vet for a health check.

    Normally, a bitch humping and licking her bits would suggest her coming into season. While 5.5 months is very young for this, it's not completely unheard of.
  3. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Humping may just be over-excitement. Is she getting plenty of down-time as well as exercise?
    Teach her to settle on her bed, in her crate etc. In the short term, could you use a toy to distrct her, or use it as a training opportunity to do a bit of sit/stay training with some of her meal allowance?
    Regarding the excessive licking, as you have just got her, it may be worth you poppong her to the vet for a health check.

    Normally, a bitch humping and licking her bits would suggest her coming into season. While 5.5 months is very young for this, it's not completely unheard of.
  4. Jo1309

    Jo1309 Registered Users

    Oct 16, 2019
    Thanks for your reply .I took her to the vets 2 days after collecting her. She has had a good check over. Vet thought the licking was because she had had the previous owner washing her daily and also washing her bedding daily. The massage stuff she gave me has worked with that now thanks. Ironically since posting she hasn't humped me! It was definitely attention because it was when I was concentrating on her! Her behaviour since having some down time for herself has helped amazingly as I was giving her too much time!!! Everything is coming along really well and improving daily. Thanks so much and sorry I had a minor melt down so early on!! Thank u.
  5. Jo1309

    Jo1309 Registered Users

    Oct 16, 2019
    Sorry meant when I wasn't concentrating on her!!!

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